Friday, April 30, 2021

Chess Is A Sea In Which Gnat May Drink Elephant Metal Sign

Ad: Chess Is A Sea In Which Gnat May Drink Elephant Metal Sign

No need to be an avid chess player to understand how deep the game of chess can be. Showcase your wry chess attitude with this metal parking sign featuring a reflective chess set and the following Indian proverb: "Chess is a sea in which a gnat may drink and an elephant may bathe". Make others do a double-take about the deep intellectual game of chess with this chess metaphor metal sign! myChess

#chess #metaphor #game #MetalSign

Get The Rhythm Play Chess Reflective Chess Set Planner

Ad: Get The Rhythm Play Chess Reflective Chess Set Planner

Chess players and chess teachers will enjoy wry chess attitude with this planner featuring a reflective chess set along with the saying "Get The Rhythm Play Chess". Make others do a double-take about the mental rhythm that chess players fall into and exhibit whenever they play chess with this memorable chess advice planner! myChess

#play #chess #Planner

Just Generating A Form Of Usable Energy (Krebs) Jigsaw Puzzle

Ad: Just Generating A Form Of Usable Energy (Krebs) Jigsaw Puzzle

Showcase your wry biochemistry side with this jigsaw puzzle featuring the Krebs cycle (citric acid cycle tricarboxylic acid cycle - TCAC) along with the scientific truism saying "Just Generating A Form Of Usable Energy". myBiochemistry

#citric #acid #cycle #krebs #JigsawPuzzle

Team Normality Normal Distribution Curve Humor Doormat

Ad: Team Normality Normal Distribution Curve Humor Doormat

If you are on Team Normality you'll enjoy this tongue-in-cheek educational statistical humor door mat featuring the bell curve distribution (also known as the normal distribution curve or Gaussian curve) along with the caption "Team Normality". Comes with percentages and z-scores. Do a double-take with stats attitude with this doormat! myStatistics

#stats #normal #distribution #curve #Doormat

In Love With My Energy Cycle Krebs Cycle Humor Bandana

Ad: In Love With My Energy Cycle Krebs Cycle Humor Bandana

Showcase your wry citric acid cycle side with this bandana featuring the Krebs cycle along with the following saying in Love Letters font: "In Love With My Energy Cycle". Memorable biochemistry geek humor scientific saying bandana for anyone with energy! myBiochemistry

#tcac #citric #acid #cycle #Bandana

Sophisticated Reprocessing Machine Inside Nephron Bandana

Ad: Sophisticated Reprocessing Machine Inside Nephron Bandana

Showcase your renal attitude with a dose of educational scientific fun with this bandana featuring the different parts of a kidney's nephron along with the saying "Sophisticated Reprocessing Machine Inside". Make others do a double-take on a key component of the human body's execretory system today! Memorable bandana for any nephrologist or kidney fan! myBiochemistry

#werent #krebs #Bandana

Where I Fall On The Bell Curve I Am Here Stats Socks

Ad: Where I Fall On The Bell Curve I Am Here Stats Socks

Showcase your wry statistical sense of humor with this "Where I Fall On The Bell Curve" pair of socks featuring the normal distribution curve along with the call-out "I Am Here". Where I Fall On The Bell Curve pair of socks for anyone who is well above average! myStatistics

#statistics #words #unwords #Socks

Be Prepared Consequences Climate Change Vegetarian Mouse Pad

Ad: Be Prepared Consequences Climate Change Vegetarian Mouse Pad

Showcase your wry vegetarian attitude with this mousepad featuring a pile of vegetables along with the following sound advice on global climate change and diet: "Be Prepared For The Consequences Of Climate Change Follow A Vegetarian Diet". myVegetarian

#vegetarian #pile #vegetables #MousePad

Take A Detour From The Ordinary Play Bridge Advice Table Lamp

Ad: Take A Detour From The Ordinary Play Bridge Advice Table Lamp

Bridge players of all ages and skill levels will enjoy this bridge saying lamp featuring the four card suits along with the following sound bridge advice: "Take A Detour From The Ordinary Play Bridge". Make others do a double-take with a dose of sound bridge advice with this lamp! myBridge

#take #detour #from #TableLamp

Wanted A Bridge Partner Who Plays At My Level Metal Sign

Ad: Wanted A Bridge Partner Who Plays At My Level Metal Sign

If you have ever partnered with another bridge player and found it to be a mismatch you'll enjoy this wry bridge saying metal parking sign featuring the four card suits (heart club diamond spade) along with the truism saying "Wanted A Bridge Partner Who Plays At My Level". Showcase your needs in the game of bridge with a dose of bridge attitude with this memorable bridge saying metal parking sign! myBridge

#duplicate #bridge #plays #MetalSign

Bridge Is A Game Of Minutiae Four Card Suits Humor Apron

Ad: Bridge Is A Game Of Minutiae Four Card Suits Humor Apron

If you play bridge or duplicate bridge you'll enjoy this wry bridge saying all-over print apron that tells the truth about the game of bridge: "Bridge Is A Game Of Minutiae". Make others do a double-take with a dose of bridge attitude with this memorable bridge truism all-over print apron featuring the four card suits. No need to be an avid bridge player or bridge teacher to enjoy! myBridge

#bridge #teacher #Apron

I Never Get Tired Of The Great Game Of Bridge Metal Sign

Ad: I Never Get Tired Of The Great Game Of Bridge Metal Sign

Bridge attitude is alive and well on this metal parking sign featuring the four card suits along with the saying "I Never Get Tired Of The Great Game Of Bridge". Make others do a double-take with a dose of indefatigable attitude toward the great game of bridge with this memorable bridge saying metal sign! Memorable sign for any bridge club. myBridge

#never #tired #MetalSign

Entomologist Inside (Worker Ant Anatomy) Jigsaw Puzzle

Ad: Entomologist Inside (Worker Ant Anatomy) Jigsaw Puzzle

Showcase your entomological side with any of these educational scientific gifts featuring all key anatomical parts of an ant worker along with the saying "Entomologist Inside". Great gifts for any entomologist or ant fan! myAnatomy

#worker #anatomy #JigsawPuzzle

Bridge Is A Game Where Think Other People's Hands Face Mask

Ad: Bridge Is A Game Where Think Other People's Hands Face Mask

Bridge players who understand the intricacies of the game of bridge / duplicate bridge will enjoy this cotton/polyester face mask featuring the four card suits along with the saying "Bridge Is A Game Where You Have To Think About Other People's Hands In Order To Succeed". myBridge

#duplicate #bridge #order #FaceMask

Brain Is Full Can't Think Anymore (Brain Anatomy) Jigsaw Puzzle

Ad: Brain Is Full Can't Think Anymore (Brain Anatomy) Jigsaw Puzzle

Showcase your wry brainy sense of humor with any of these anatomical psychologists gifts featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the following saying -- especially apropos for anyone who lives an exceedingly busy life and can't think at times: "Brain Is Full Can't Think Anymore". Make others do a double-take with any of these educational scientific anatomical gag gifts today! No need to be a neurosurgeon or psychologist to enjoy! myAnatomy

#brain #full #cant #JigsawPuzzle

Hard Work Is In My DNA Molecular Biology Humor Serving Tray

Ad: Hard Work Is In My DNA Molecular Biology Humor Serving Tray

Showcase your wry DNA replication sense of humor with this serving tray featuring the saying "Hard Work Is In My DNA". Make others do a double-take about where you get your hard worker nature from with a dose of genetics attitude today! myDna

#hard #work #ServingTray

Molecular Biologist Inside DNA Replication Serving Tray

Ad: Molecular Biologist Inside DNA Replication Serving Tray

Showcase your wry molecular biology side with this serving tray featuring DNA replication along with the saying "Molecular Biologist Inside". Make others do a double-take with a dose of educational scientific molecular biology attitude today! Memorable serving tray for anyone who works in the biotechnology industry. myDna

#molecular #biologist #words #ServingTray

Twisted Patterns Inside (DNA Replication Humor) Baby T-Shirt

Ad: Twisted Patterns Inside (DNA Replication Humor) Baby T-Shirt

No need to be a mad scientist or molecular biologist to enjoy wry scientific humor with any of these gifts featuring DNA replication along with the saying "Twisted Patterns Inside". Make everyone do a double-take at the double helix structure of deoxyribonucleic acid with a dose of educational biological attitude today! myDna

#words #unwords #BabyTShirt

Here's How I Vent (Deep Sea Vent Chemistry Humor)

Ad: Here's How I Vent (Deep Sea Vent Chemistry Humor)

Do you get angry at times and vent? Showcase how you vent with a dose of deep sea vent chemistry humor with any of these gifts. Includes underwater sea volcano and the geological processes. Perfect gifts for oceanographers geologists and geochemists! Or for anyone who vents with scientific substance! myGeology

#here #vent

Mad For Chess Geek Humor Chess Set Pieces Flask

Ad: Mad For Chess Geek Humor Chess Set Pieces Flask

Showcase your wry chess attitude with this flask featuring a reflective chess set along with the saying "Mad For Chess". Memorable chess humor saying flask for any chess teacher or avid chess player! myChess

#chess #Flask

Power Relationships In Physics Wheel Chart Formula T-Shirt

Ad: Power Relationships In Physics Wheel Chart Formula T-Shirt

Showcase your knowledge of the power relationships in physics with this tee featuring a wheel chart of the equations of power current voltage and resistance -- i.e. the "Power Relationships In Physics". No need to be a physics teacher to enjoy wry geek humor today! myPhysics

#power #relationships #physics #TShirt

A Definition Of Jerk (Physics) Coffee Mug

Ad: A Definition Of Jerk (Physics) Coffee Mug

Do you know how to define jerk? Do you know about the definition of jerk in physics? In physics jerk also known as jolt surge and lurch is the rate of change of acceleration -- meaning the derivative of acceleration with respect to time the second derivative of velocity or the third derivative of position. Make others do a double-take with wry physics humor with any of these gifts that feature "A Definition Of Jerk" -- or rather the physics definition of jerk and its three variants! myPhysics

#physics #jerk #second #CoffeeMug

Power Relationships In Physics (Wheel Chart) T-Shirt

Ad: Power Relationships In Physics (Wheel Chart) T-Shirt

Showcase your knowledge of the power relationships in physics with this tee featuring a wheel cart of the equations of power current voltage and resistance -- i.e. the "Power Relationships In Physics". No need to be a physics teacher to enjoy wry geek humor today! myPhysics

#power #relationships #physics #TShirt

Vegetarians Taste Better Pile Of Vegetables Humor Magnet

Ad: Vegetarians Taste Better Pile Of Vegetables Humor Magnet

Vegans and vegetarians will enjoy this wry vegetarian humor magnet featuring a pile of vegetables along with the tongue-in-cheek suggestive innuendo saying "Vegetarians Taste Better". Make omnivores do a double-take with this matter-of-fact vegetarian truism today! myVegetarian

#vegetarians #taste #better #Magnet

Mad For Chess Geek Humor Chess Set Pieces Table Lamp

Ad: Mad For Chess Geek Humor Chess Set Pieces Table Lamp

Showcase your wry chess attitude with this lamp featuring a reflective chess set along with the saying "Mad For Chess". Memorable chess humor saying lamp for any chess teacher or avid chess player! myChess

#chess #TableLamp