Monday, April 26, 2021

Wanted A Dependable Bridge Partner (Card Suits) Business Card

Ad: Wanted A Dependable Bridge Partner (Card Suits) Business Card

Introduce yourself with a dose of wry bridge saying humor with any of these customizable business cards featuring the four card suits along with the saying that is often heard at the Partnership Desk in a bridge tournament: "Wanted A Dependable Bridge Partner". myBridge

#wanted #dependable #bridge #partner #BusinessCard

Sunday, April 25, 2021

I Function On A Complex Cycle Krebs Cycle Humor Throw Pillow

Ad: I Function On A Complex Cycle Krebs Cycle Humor Throw Pillow

Do you function on a complex cycle? You'll enjoy this biochemistry humor throw pillow featuring the Krebs cycle (also known as the citric acid cycle or tricarboxylic acid cycle) with the saying "I Function On A Complex Cycle". Showcase the complexity of your operating innards today. Science attitude throw pillow for anyone who functions on a complex cycle -- no matter what schedule you are following! myBiochemistry

#complex #cycle #krebs #ThrowPillow

My Life Follows A Certain Cycle Krebs Cycle Planner

Ad: My Life Follows A Certain Cycle Krebs Cycle Planner

Showcase your wry Krebs cycle sense of humor with this planner featuring the citric acid cycle (tricarboxylic acid cycle TCAC) along with the saying "My Life Follows A Certain Cycle". Do a double-take with a dose of scientific educational attitude on what your energy cycle is all about with this planner! myBiochemistry

#citric #acid #cycle #biochemistry #Planner

Igneous Is Bliss Silica Content Geology Humor Adult Cloth Face Mask

Ad: Igneous Is Bliss Silica Content Geology Humor Adult Cloth Face Mask

Geologists earth scientists and rockhounds will enjoy this face mask featuring various igneous rocks according to silica content along with the following geological truism / pun on the saying "Ignorance Is Bliss": "igneous Is Bliss". Make others do a double-take on what you find blissful with this scientific geek humor face mask today! myGeology

#geology #igneous #bliss #AdultClothFaceMask

My Life Just Operates On A Complex Cycle Krebs Fabric

Ad: My Life Just Operates On A Complex Cycle Krebs Fabric

If you lead a complex life you'll enjoy wry scientific humor on this fabric featuring the Krebs cycle along with the saying "My Life Just Operates On A Complex Cycle". Showcase your biochemistry geek side the next time you create with this fabric that is a great conversation starter! Citric acid cycle attitude fabric for anyone who operates on a complex cycle. myBiochemistry

#krebs #cycle #citric #acid #Fabric

Just A Normal Statistician Bell Curve Humor 3 Ring Binder

Ad: Just A Normal Statistician Bell Curve Humor 3 Ring Binder

Are you just a normal statistician? Showcase your normal sense of humor with this wry statistical humor binder featuring the bell curve (normal distribution curve Gaussian curve) along with the saying "Just A Normal Statistician". Make others do a double-take at how normal you are according to the world of statistics! Memorable binder for anyone who plays with statistics and consider himself or herself to be a statistician! myStatistics

#psychologist #words #unwords #3RingBinder

DNA Replication Inside (DNA Attitude) T-Shirt

Ad: DNA Replication Inside (DNA Attitude) T-Shirt

DNA replications inside of all of our cells. Showcase this biological truism with a dose of deoxyribonucleic acid humor with any of these "DNA Replication Inside" gifts. Comes with all key labels including leading strand and lagging strand. Celebrate scientific fun today! myDna

#replication #acid #TShirt

Forensic Scientist Inside DNA Replication Humor Face Shield

Ad: Forensic Scientist Inside DNA Replication Humor Face Shield

Forensic scientists will enjoy wry molecular biology attitude with this face shield featuring DNA replication along with the saying "Forensic Scientist Inside". myDna

#genes #replication #FaceShield

Chess A Game Of Strategic Execution (Chess Set) Notebook

Ad: Chess A Game Of Strategic Execution (Chess Set) Notebook

Showcase your wry chess sense of humor with this notebook featuring a reflective chess set along with the saying "Chess A Game Of Strategic Execution". Chess truism notebook for anyone who loves to play chess and knows about the strategic execution that the game entails! myChess

#chess #game #Notebook

Be The Chess Player Not The Chess Piece Poster

Ad: Be The Chess Player Not The Chess Piece Poster

Showcase your serious chess attitude toward life with this poster featuring a reflective chess set along with the saying "Be The Chess Player Not The Chess Piece". Make others do a double-take at the chess sentiment that you are trying to convey with this poster! myChess

#chess #piece #Poster

Statistical Personality (Bell Curve) T-Shirt

Ad: Statistical Personality (Bell Curve) T-Shirt

Do you consider yourself a statistical person? Do you have a statistical personality? Showcase wry stats attitude with any of these statistical humor gifts featuring the normal distribution curve (bell curve Gaussian distribution curve) along with the truism caption "Statistical Personality". Complete with percentages and z-scores! Educational statistics humor for all with personality! myStatistics

#gaussian #distribution #statistics #TShirt

Standard Deviation Root-Mean-Square Definition Coffee Mug

Ad: Standard Deviation Root-Mean-Square Definition Coffee Mug

No need to be a statistician to enjoy any of these statistical definition gifts for standard deviation. Includes equation and says the following: "Standard Deviation Root-Mean-Square Of The Values From The Deviation Of Their Mean". Showcase your statistical side today! myStatistics

#statistics #stats #statistical #CoffeeMug

Facilitator Inside (Facilitated Diffusion) Coffee Mug

Ad: Facilitator Inside (Facilitated Diffusion) Coffee Mug

If you are a facilitator in any capacity you'll enjoy wry biological humor with any of these gifts featuring facilitated diffusion across a cell membrane along with the caption "Facilitator Inside". Specifically facilitated diffusion involves the use of a protein to facilitate the movement of molecules across the membrane. In some cases molecules pass through channels within the protein In other cases the protein changes shape allowing molecules to pass through. Make others do a double-take on your ability to facilitate in life with any of these cell biology attitude gifts! myBiochemistry

#facilitator #inside #mediator #CoffeeMug

Yes It Is Better To Switch Three Doors One Goat Face Mask

Ad: Yes It Is Better To Switch Three Doors One Goat Face Mask

Showcase your wry probabilistic side with this cotton/polyester face mask featuring the Monty Hall problem / paradox along with three doors one of them open to reveal a goat and the truism caption "Yes It Is Better To Switch". Keep everyone guessing as to exactly what you are referring to with this stats humor cotton/polyester face mask today! myStatistics

#probabilities #monty #hall #problem #FaceMask

Yes It Is Better To Switch Three Doors One Goat Fabric

Ad: Yes It Is Better To Switch Three Doors One Goat Fabric

Showcase your wry probabilistic side the next time you create with this fabric featuring the Monty Hall problem / paradox along with three doors one of them open to reveal a goat and the truism caption "Yes It Is Better To Switch". Keep everyone guessing as to exactly what you are referring to with this stats humor fabric today! myStatistics

#probabilities #monty #hall #problem #Fabric

Think Green Power Think Vegetarian (Plant Cell) Poster

Ad: Think Green Power Think Vegetarian (Plant Cell) Poster

Do you think about green power? Do you know that eating meat also means consuming a lot of energy because of all the products needed to make the food to feed the animals? Showcase your scientific environmental vegetarian sense of humor with this poster featuring a plant cell and the vegetarian truism saying "Think Green Power Think Vegetarian". Thoughtful vegetarian and vegan poster for all! myVegetarian

#think #green #power #vegetarian #Poster

Anatomy Of A Builder (Ant Anatomy) T-Shirt

Ad: Anatomy Of A Builder (Ant Anatomy) T-Shirt

Love ants? You'll enjoy this wry scientific geek gift tee that features all of the important anatomical parts of an ant with the caption 'Anatomy Of A Builder". Showcase your entomologist ant-lover side today with this anatomical t-shirt! myAnatomy

#entomology #entomologist #anatomy #TShirt

Life Is A Game Bridge Is Serious (Four Card Suits) Trucker Hat

Ad: Life Is A Game Bridge Is Serious (Four Card Suits) Trucker Hat

Bridge players of all ages will enjoy any of these gifts featuring the four card suits along with the often heard saying at the bridge table: "Life Is A Game Bridge Is Serious". Make others do a double-take about how seriously you take the game of bridge with any of these bridge humor saying gifts! myBridge

#life #game #TruckerHat

Heart-Stopping Rhythm Inside Anatomical Heart Throw Pillow

Ad: Heart-Stopping Rhythm Inside Anatomical Heart Throw Pillow

Do you have heart-stopping rhythm inside of you? No need to work in the medical or musical field to enjoy wry anatomical humor with this throw pillow featuring a medical diagram of the human heart from Gray's Anatomy along with the saying "Heart-Stopping Rhythm Inside". Make others do a double-take with this medical heart saying throw pillow today! myAnatomy

#heartstopping #rhythm #inside #ThrowPillow

Longevity Genes Inside DNA Replication Humor Wrapping Paper

Ad: Longevity Genes Inside DNA Replication Humor Wrapping Paper

If one or more of your parents or grandparents (or ancestors) lived into the triple digits you'll enjoy any of these DNA replication genetics attitude gifts featuring the saying "Longevity Genes Inside". Showcase the genetic case for your expected long life today with ageless DNA attitude gifts! No need to be a molecular biologist or geneticist to enjoy! myDna

#genetics #genes #WrappingPaper

Ageism Should Never Affect A Person In The Present T-Shirt

Ad: Ageism Should Never Affect A Person In The Present T-Shirt

No matter what age you are you exist in the present. Stand out from the crowd when you wear this wry scientific geological age humor gift tee that says "Ageism Should Never Affect A Person In The Present". Let others know that you know all about age over the course of Earth's history! myGeology

#geologist #geology #timeline #TShirt

Subduction Leads To Orogeny (Geology Humor) Coffee Mug

Ad: Subduction Leads To Orogeny (Geology Humor) Coffee Mug

Wry suggestive geological attitude comes alive on any of the geology humor gifts featuring the process of mountain building orogeny. Gifts featuring the three different plate boundaries along with geology truism saying "Subduction Leads To Orogeny". Make others do a double-take about what you are trying to say with any of these earth science gifts! myGeology

#subduction #leads #orogeny #CoffeeMug

No Matter What You Say You Cannot Dampen Physics Magnet

Ad: No Matter What You Say You Cannot Dampen Physics Magnet

No need to be a physics major or a physicist to enjoy any of these educational science humor gifts featuring the mass spring damper. Wry scientific saying says: "No Matter What You Say You Cannot Dampen My Attitude Toward Physics". Physics attitude fun for all those who are uplifted by the subject of physics! myPhysics

#physics #physicist #humor #Magnet

What Wavelength Are You On? Psychology Humor Apron

Ad: What Wavelength Are You On? Psychology Humor Apron

No need to be a physicist to understand atmospheric electromagnetic transmittance with a dose of wry geek humor on this all-over print apron which features the common rhetorical question: "What Wavelength Are You On?" Memorable all-over print apron for anyone who engages in conversations with others and who finds that one is frequently having a different conversation than one intended to have! myPhysics

#what #wavelength #Apron

Nothing Keeps Me Going Like A Good Chess Game Round Clock

Ad: Nothing Keeps Me Going Like A Good Chess Game Round Clock

Are you a die-hard chess player? Showcase your dead serious chess attitude with this clock featuring a reflective chess set along with the saying "Nothing Keeps Me Going Like A Good Chess Game". Memorable clock gift for any avid chess player! myChess

#nothing #keeps #going #RoundClock