Saturday, April 24, 2021

In Love With My Energy Cycle (Krebs Cycle) Business Card

Ad: In Love With My Energy Cycle (Krebs Cycle) Business Card

Biochemists and fans of the Krebs cycle (citric acid cycle tricarboxylic acid cycle) will enjoy introducing themselves with a dose of wry organic chemistry humor with these business cards featuring the Krebs cycle along with the saying "In Love With My Energy Cycle". If you have lots of energy make others do a double-take at what you truly love with a dose of geek humor today! myBiochemistry

#tcac #words #unwords #BusinessCard

This Machine Is Powered By Estrogen (Molecule) Stainless Steel Water Bottle

Ad: This Machine Is Powered By Estrogen (Molecule) Stainless Steel Water Bottle

Showcase the estrogen inside of you -- whether you're a man or a woman -- with any of these scientific humor featuring the chemical molecule estradiol the predominant form of estrogen a steroid hormone. Estrogen is known as the female gonad hormone. Make others do a double-take with any of these chemical attitude with the truism saying "This Machine Is Powered By Estrogen"! myBiochemistry

#this #machine #powered #StainlessSteelWaterBottle

I Love Genetics (DNA Replication) Round Clock

Ad: I Love Genetics (DNA Replication) Round Clock

No need to be a geneticist or working in the medical field to enjoy this molecular biology humor clock featuring all key parts of DNA replication along with the saying "I Love Genetics". myDna

#love #genetics #RoundClock

DNA Is Life The Rest Is Just Matter Biology Humor Apron

Ad: DNA Is Life The Rest Is Just Matter Biology Humor Apron

Make others do a double-take with wry life science humor with this molecular biology all-over print apron featuring DNA replication both leading and lagging strands complete with all key labels. Scientific truism saying says it all: "DNA Is Life The Rest Is Just Matter". Memorable timeless life advice all-over print apron for geneticists biologists scientists and anyone who understands the nature of what really matters in life! myDna

#replication #Apron

Puerto Rico Trench Deepest Part Of The N. Atlantic Postcard

Ad: Puerto Rico Trench Deepest Part Of The N. Atlantic Postcard

No need to be an earth scientist geologist or geographer to appreciate the Puerto Rico trench on any of these geography gifts. Comes with the definition saying: "Puerto Rico Trench - Deepest Part Of The North Atlantic". The Puerto Rico trench is located where two plates the North American plate and the Caribbean plate collide. Fans of the geography of the North Atlantic or trenches will enjoy any of these educational gifts with vivid detail! Perfect gifts for any fan of plate tectonics! myGeology

#puerto #rico #trench #plate #Postcard

Checkmate Is My Mantra Chess Pieces Humor Bath Mat

Ad: Checkmate Is My Mantra Chess Pieces Humor Bath Mat

Avid chess players who desire to reach the Grandmaster level will enjoy this bath mat featuring a reflective chess set along with the following saying: "Checkmate Is My Mantra". Memorable chess saying bath mat for any chess player who loves to checkmate opponents! myChess

#chess #game #BathMat

Be Prepared Consequences Climate Change Vegetarian Socks

Ad: Be Prepared Consequences Climate Change Vegetarian Socks

Showcase your wry vegetarian attitude with this pair of socks featuring a pile of vegetables along with the following sound advice on global climate change and diet: "Be Prepared For The Consequences Of Climate Change Follow A Vegetarian Diet". myVegetarian

#vegetarian #pile #vegetables #Socks

Occupy Your Heart With Happiness Cardiology Advice Bath Mat

Ad: Occupy Your Heart With Happiness Cardiology Advice Bath Mat

No need to be a cardiologist to enjoy this bath mat featuring a diagram of a human heart from Gray's Anatomy along with the truism saying "Occupy Your Heart With Happiness". Sound advice that's straight from the heart -- no pun intended! myAnatomy

#occupy #your #heart #with #happiness #BathMat

Life Is Like A Twisted Chess Game Chess Humor Fabric

Ad: Life Is Like A Twisted Chess Game Chess Humor Fabric

Showcase your wry twisted chess attitude when you create with this fabric featuring a reflective chess set along with the saying "Life Is Like A Twisted Chess Game". Chess geek humor fabric for anyone who knows about the similarities between life and chess! myChess

#life #like #Fabric

Quantum Physicists View Matter Very Seriously Fleece Blanket

Ad: Quantum Physicists View Matter Very Seriously Fleece Blanket

Showcase your wry quantum mechanics side with this fleece blanket featuring the Standard Model of the Higgs field along with the following saying that will make others do a double-take on the subject matter of matter itself: "Quantum Physicists View Matter Very Seriously". Educational scientific geek humor fleece blanket for anyone who thinks about matter very seriously! myPhysics

#matter #quantum #physics #FleeceBlanket

Be Prepared Consequences Climate Change Vegetarian Scarf

Ad: Be Prepared Consequences Climate Change Vegetarian Scarf

Showcase your wry vegetarian attitude with this scarf featuring a pile of vegetables along with the following sound advice on global climate change and diet: "Be Prepared For The Consequences Of Climate Change Follow A Vegetarian Diet". myVegetarian

#vegetarian #pile #vegetables #Scarf

Consistency Not Brilliance Desired In Bridge Jigsaw Puzzle

Ad: Consistency Not Brilliance Desired In Bridge Jigsaw Puzzle

Showcase exactly what you look for in a bridge partner with this bridge saying jigsaw puzzle featuring the four card suits along with the following description: "Consistency Not Brilliance Is Desired In My Bridge Partner". Make others do a double-take with a dose of bridge humor the next time you play bridge with your bridge partner! Memorable reminder of what is needed in a bridge partnership! myBridge

#bridge #humor #partner #JigsawPuzzle

Particle Physics Is An Elementary Matter Model Trucker Hat

Ad: Particle Physics Is An Elementary Matter Model Trucker Hat

Make others do a double-take on the world of particle physics with this hat featuring the Standard Model of Elementary Particles along with the following geek humor saying: "Particle Physics Is An Elementary Matter." Memorable hat for any physicist or physics major who thinks in terms of leptons quarks electrons gluons neutrinos and bosons! myPhysics

#particle #physics #elementary #matter #TruckerHat

Occupy Your Heart With Happiness Anatomical Humor Post-it Notes

Ad: Occupy Your Heart With Happiness Anatomical Humor Post-it Notes

No need to be a cardiologist to enjoy this Post-It Notes featuring a diagram of a human heart from Gray's Anatomy along with the truism saying "Occupy Your Heart With Happiness". Sound advice that's straight from the heart -- no pun intended! myAnatomy

#occupy #your #heart #with #happiness #PostitNotes

Do I Look Like I Have Dengue Fever? (Anatomy) Bicycle Playing Cards

Ad: Do I Look Like I Have Dengue Fever? (Anatomy) Bicycle Playing Cards

Showcase your medical sense of style regardless of whether you live in the tropical regions or not with any of these anatomy and physiology gifts featuring the symptoms of dengue fever along with the following query caption: "Do I Look Like I Have Dengue Fever?" No need to work in the medical field to enjoy! myAnatomy

#anatomy #physiology #dengue #BicyclePlayingCards

In Life Are You Catalytic Enough? T-Shirt

Ad: In Life Are You Catalytic Enough? T-Shirt

Do you see yourself as a catalyst or as needing one? Showcase life humor with this scientific attitude gift tee featuring the enzyme-substrate complex induced-fit model along with the wry science humor query "In Life Are You Catalytic Enough?" Make others do a double-take and wonder about how life is treating them with a dose of enzymatic humor! myBiochemistry

#catalyst #catalytic #reaction #TShirt

Keep The Neurons Firing Play Bridge Advice Humor Planner

Ad: Keep The Neurons Firing Play Bridge Advice Humor Planner

No matter what your age or level of experience you'll enjoy this bridge humor planner featuring the four card suits and the following bridge advice: "Keep The Neurons Firing Play Bridge". Make others do a double-take at what the game of bridge does to a person with this wry quirky bridge player humor planner! myBridge

#bridge #duplicate #Planner

Friday, April 23, 2021

Lots Of Guts Inside Digestive System Humor Throw Pillow

Ad: Lots Of Guts Inside Digestive System Humor Throw Pillow

Bridge players who know about resilience will enjoy this throw pillow featuring the four card suits along with the following sound bridge advice: "Learn Resilience Play Bridge". Make others do a double-take on what the game of bridge can teach with this bridge saying throw pillow! myBridge

#duplicate #bridge #words #ThrowPillow

Sustained Heartbeat Inside Electrocardiogram Humor Slip-On Sneakers

Ad: Sustained Heartbeat Inside Electrocardiogram Humor Slip-On Sneakers

Showcase your wry emergency medical technician sense of humor with this electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG) attitude pair of slip-on sneakers featuring a normal sinus rhythm along with the saying "Sustained Heartbeat Inside". Memorable medical humor pair of slip-on sneakers for anyone with a tongue-in-cheek heartbeat attitude! myGeology

#geology #sentimental #thoughts #SlipOnSneakers

The World Contains Many Faults (Plate Tectonics) Water Bottle

Ad: The World Contains Many Faults (Plate Tectonics) Water Bottle

Showcase your wry plate tectonics sense of humor with any of these featuring the tectonic plates of the world along with the saying "The World Contains Many Faults". Memorable for geologists seismologists and earth scientists! myGeology

#world #contains #many #faults #WaterBottle

Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) Chemical Molecule Pacifier

Ad: Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) Chemical Molecule Pacifier

Riboflavin is an easily absorbed micronutrient with a key role in maintaining a wide variety of cellular processes. Like the other B vitamins it plays a key role in energy metabolism and for the metabolism of fats ketone bodies carbohydrates and proteins. Make others do a double-take with wry chemistry molecule humor with any of these gifts featuring riboflavin also known as vitamin B2! No need to be chemist or nutritionist to enjoy! myBiochemistry

#riboflavin #vitamin #Pacifier

Just Call Me Statistically Significant Large Tote Bag

Ad: Just Call Me Statistically Significant Large Tote Bag

No need to be a statistician to enjoy wry statistical humor with any of these gifts featuring the normal distribution curve (bell curve Gaussian curve) along with the tongue-in-cheek saying "Just Call Me Statistically Significant". Memorable stats attitude gifts for those who engage in hypothesis testing and know that they are statistically significant! myStatistics

#humor #normal #distribution #curve #LargeToteBag

Just Call Me Semi-Conservative (DNA Replication) Notebook

Ad: Just Call Me Semi-Conservative (DNA Replication) Notebook

Semi-conservative does not refer to politics but instead to the Meselson-Stahl experiment which proved that DNA replication was semi-conservative with one strand coming from the original helix and one newly formed strand. Molecular biology gifts for anyone into experiments or DNA! Great conversation starter! myDna

#helix #experiment #just #Notebook

Think Before You Act Play Chess Reflective Chess OtterBox Symmetry iPhone 8 Plus/7 Plus Case

Ad: Think Before You Act Play Chess Reflective Chess OtterBox Symmetry iPhone 8 Plus/7 Plus Case

Avid chess players and chess teachers will enjoy this Otterbox iPhone case featuring a reflective chess set along with the following sound chess advice: "Think Before You Act Play Chess". It's no secret that chess players devote a fair amount of time to introspection and thought about which move to play next. Showcase your chess attitude to chess players and non-chess players alike with a dose of philosophical attitude with this memorable chess saying Otterbox case! myChess

#chess #saying #words #OtterBoxSymmetryiPhone8Plus7PlusCase

This Machine Is Powered By Adrenaline Biochemistry Doormat

Ad: This Machine Is Powered By Adrenaline Biochemistry Doormat

Showcase wry chemistry molecule humor with this adrenaline molecule doormat with the scientific truism saying "This Machine Is Powered By Adrenaline". Featuring molecular structure of adrenaline responsible for the "flight or fight" response. Make others do a double-take on what you are powered by no matter where you go or what you do! Memorable doormat for anyone powered by adrenaline! myBiochemistry

#adrenaline #chemical #molecule #Doormat