Friday, April 23, 2021

Encoded To Be Human (DNA Replication) Baby T-Shirt

Ad: Encoded To Be Human (DNA Replication) Baby T-Shirt

No need to be a paleontologist anthropologist or molecular biologist to enjoy any of these scientific educational gifts featuring all key parts of DNA replication along with the saying "Encoded To Be Human". Make others do a double-take with a dose of genetic attitude today! myDna

#encoded #human #BabyTShirt

History Of Earth Geological Timeline Slip-On Sneakers

Ad: History Of Earth Geological Timeline Slip-On Sneakers

If you think about how long Earth has been in existence you'll enjoy this earth science geological time clock pair of slip-on sneakers featuring "History Of Earth" -- from more than 4 billions years ago to the present. Make others do a double-take about how long Earth has supported life with this educational scientific attitude pair of slip-on sneakers! myGeology

#history #earth #geological #SlipOnSneakers

Life Is A Sedimentary Journey Grand Canyon Humor Fabric

Ad: Life Is A Sedimentary Journey Grand Canyon Humor Fabric

No need to be a fan of the Grand Canyon or retired or a geologist -- although it would probably help if you were one of these -- to enjoy this wry geological humor fabric featuring the Grand Canyon along with the truism saying "Life Is A Sedimentary Journey". Make others do a double-take on exactly what meaning you are trying to convey with this word play fabric! Memorable fabric for anyone who is sentimental about sedimentary rock and who loves to create. myGeology

#life #sedimentary #journey #Fabric

Be The Chess Player Not The Chess Piece Geek Humor Bandana

Ad: Be The Chess Player Not The Chess Piece Geek Humor Bandana

Chess players will enjoy this bandana featuring a reflective chess set along with the saying "Be The Chess Player Not The Chess Piece". Assertive chess attitude for anyone who plays chess with an independent thinker's mindset. No need to be a chess teacher or avid chess player to enjoy! myChess

#chess #piece #Bandana

Vegetables Are A Must On A Diet Pile Of Vegetables Scarf

Ad: Vegetables Are A Must On A Diet Pile Of Vegetables Scarf

If you love to eat vegetables for dessert you can showcase your vegetarian attitude with this scarf featuring a pile of vegetables along with the tongue-in-cheek vegetarian saying: "Vegetables Are A Must On A Diet - Have Some Carrot Cake Zucchini Bread & Pumpkin Pie". Memorable vegetarian humor scarf for anyone on a diet - or who desires a vegetarian dessert diet! myVegetarian

#zucchini #bread #pumpkin #Scarf

Lost In A World Of Chess Reflective Chess Set Face Mask

Ad: Lost In A World Of Chess Reflective Chess Set Face Mask

Are you frequently lost in a world of chess? Avid chess players who concentrate very hard on the game of chess will enjoy this wry chess saying cotton/polyester face mask featuring a reflective chess set along with the saying "Lost In A World Of Chess". Make others do a double-take at where you truly are when you play chess with this memorable chess attitude cotton/polyester face mask! myChess

#chess #saying #world #FaceMask

Ricci Flow Solution Poincaré Conjecture (Geometry) T-Shirt

Ad: Ricci Flow Solution Poincaré Conjecture (Geometry) T-Shirt

No need to be a mathematician or physicist or topologist to enjoy any of these gifts featuring the Ricci flow a kind of nonlinear diffusion equation. For the record the Ricci flow (named after Gregorio Ricci-Curbastro) was introduced by Richard Hamilton in 1981 in order to gain insight into the geometrization conjecture of William Thurston which concerns the topological classification of three-dimensional smooth manifolds. The Ricci flow plays an important role in Grigori Perelman's solution of the Poincaré conjecture. Memorable geometric gifts for any fan of geometric flows! myPhysics

#ricci #flow #geometry #TShirt

Vegetables Are A Must On A Diet Pile Of Vegetables Fabric

Ad: Vegetables Are A Must On A Diet Pile Of Vegetables Fabric

If you love to eat vegetables for dessert you can showcase your vegetarian attitude the next time you create and make items with this fabric featuring a pile of vegetables along with the tongue-in-cheek vegetarian saying: "Vegetables Are A Must On A Diet - Have Some Carrot Cake Zucchini Bread & Pumpkin Pie". Memorable vegetarian humor fabric for anyone on a diet - or who desires a vegetarian dessert diet! myVegetarian

#zucchini #bread #pumpkin #Fabric

Wired For Thinking (Neuron Synapse) Jigsaw Puzzle

Ad: Wired For Thinking (Neuron Synapse) Jigsaw Puzzle

Make others do a double-take with a dose of wry neurological attitude with any of these gifts featuring a neuron / synapse along with the saying "Wired For Thinking". Memorable science humor gifts for any thinker philosopher biologist anatomist psychologist scientist etc.! myAnatomy

#wired #thinking #psyche #JigsawPuzzle

Keep The Neurons Firing Play Bridge Advice Humor Apron

Ad: Keep The Neurons Firing Play Bridge Advice Humor Apron

No matter what your age or level of experience you'll enjoy this bridge humor all-over print apron featuring the four card suits and the following bridge advice: "Keep The Neurons Firing Play Bridge". Make others do a double-take at what the game of bridge does to a person with wry quirky bridge player humor today! myBridge

#bridge #duplicate #Apron

Are You Hungry For Bridge? Four Card Suits Humor Fabric

Ad: Are You Hungry For Bridge? Four Card Suits Humor Fabric

Ask yourself and others this key question -- often considered a rhetorical question for anyone who goes to bridge tournaments: "Are You Hungry For Bridge?" Memorable bridge attitude fabric featuring the four card suits and the question that most bridge players will say "Yes" to after spending some time away from the game! Perfect fabric for any bridge player who loves to play bridge and create! myBridge

#four #card #suits #Fabric

Take Time To Play Bridge Four Card Suits Trivet

Ad: Take Time To Play Bridge Four Card Suits Trivet

Showcase your wry bridge attitude with this trivet featuring the four card suits along with the following sound bridge advice that any avid bridge player can agree with: "Take Time To Play Bridge". Memorable reminder on what any given bridge player should do on a daily basis with this trivet! myBridge

#take #time #play #bridge #Trivet

Thursday, April 22, 2021

3 Types Of Plate Boundaries - Which Standing On? Large Tote Bag

Ad: 3 Types Of Plate Boundaries - Which Standing On? Large Tote Bag

Educational geological fun is found on any of these gifts that feature the three different types of plate boundaries: transform divergent and convergent. Ask yourself and others which plate boundary you are standing on! Make others wonder about the earthquakes and plate tectonics today! myGeology

#earth #science #plate #tectonics #LargeToteBag

Team Krebs Cycle Biochemistry Geek Humor Throw Pillow

Ad: Team Krebs Cycle Biochemistry Geek Humor Throw Pillow

You run on the Krebs cycle so showcase this fact with this biochemistry / organic chemistry throw pillow with a dose of scientific humor. Featuring the Krebs cycle also known as the citric acid cycle or tricarboxylic acid cycle along with the chemistry truism caption "Team Krebs Cycle". Educational scientific throw pillow for anyone who loves the Krebs cycle! myBiochemistry

#energy #team #krebs #cycle #ThrowPillow

Understanding Type I And Type II Errors Statistics Towel

Ad: Understanding Type I And Type II Errors Statistics Towel

No need to be a statistician or psychologist to understand type I and type II statistical errors. Type I error is an α error or a "false positive": the error of rejecting a null hypothesis when it is actually true. Type II error is a β error or a "false negative": the error of failing to reject a null hypothesis when it is in fact not true. Showcase your knowledge and understand of who is right and who is wrong with any of these statistical attitude gifts! Perfect gifts for all decision-makers! myStatistics

#type #error #words #Towel

Genetically Wired For Search DNA Replication Humor Face Mask

Ad: Genetically Wired For Search DNA Replication Humor Face Mask

Do you spend a lot of time searching? Showcase your wry search DNA side with a dose of molecular biology humor with this cotton/polyester face mask featuring DNA replication along with the saying "Genetically Wired For Search". Make others do a double-take on why you behave the way that you do with this cotton/polyester face mask! myDna

#genetically #wired #search #FaceMask

Checkmate Is My Mantra Chess Pieces Geek Humor Throw Pillow

Ad: Checkmate Is My Mantra Chess Pieces Geek Humor Throw Pillow

Avid chess players who desire to reach the Grandmaster level will enjoy this chess attitude throw pillow featuring a reflective chess set along with the following saying: "Checkmate Is My Mantra". Memorable chess saying throw pillow for any chess player who loves to checkmate opponents! myChess

#geek #words #unwords #ThrowPillow

Warning! Scheming Mind Inside Chess Humor Planner

Ad: Warning! Scheming Mind Inside Chess Humor Planner

Showcase your wry chess player side with this planner featuring a reflective chess set along with the saying "Warning! Scheming Mind Inside". Make others do a double-take on how you think about chess with this geek humor chess saying planner! myChess

#chess #teachers #words #Planner

Beauty Of A Chess Move Lies In Thought Behind It Slip-On Sneakers

Ad: Beauty Of A Chess Move Lies In Thought Behind It Slip-On Sneakers

Chess players who love to analyze chess moves will enjoy this pair of slip-on sneakers featuring a reflective chess set along with the following chess saying: "The Beauty Of A Chess Move Lies In The Though Behind It". Memorable pair of slip-on sneakers for anyone who appreciates the thought behind chess moves! myChess

#beauty #chess #move #SlipOnSneakers

Warning! Scheming Mind Inside Chess Humor 3 Ring Binder

Ad: Warning! Scheming Mind Inside Chess Humor 3 Ring Binder

Showcase your wry chess player side with this binder featuring a reflective chess set along with the saying "Warning! Scheming Mind Inside". Make others do a double-take on how you think about chess with this chess saying binder! myChess

#chess #teachers #words #3RingBinder

A Summary Of The Calvin Cycle (Photosynthesis) Bumper Sticker

Ad: A Summary Of The Calvin Cycle (Photosynthesis) Bumper Sticker

Photosynthesis fans will enjoy any of these gifts featuring "A Summary Of The Calvin Cycle" the dark reactions (light-independent reactions) of photosynthesis. Educational scientific attitude for all who know about what goes on in the Calvin cycle! myBiochemistry

#summary #calvin #cycle #BumperSticker

Citric Acid Cycle Machinery Embedded Within Krebs T-Shirt

Ad: Citric Acid Cycle Machinery Embedded Within Krebs T-Shirt

No need to be a biochemist or organic chemist to enjoy wry Krebs cycle humor with any of these citric acid cycle (tricarboxylic acid cycle - TCAC) gifts featuring the following saying: "Citric Acid Cycle Machinery Embedded Within". Make others do a double-take on what they are powered by with a dose of educational scientific fun today! myBiochemistry

#citric #acid #cycle #machinery #TShirt

Powered By Statistics Stats Bell Curve Humor Bandana

Ad: Powered By Statistics Stats Bell Curve Humor Bandana

Are you powered by statistics? Showcase your wry sense of statistical humor with this bell curve distribution (normal distribution curve Gaussian curve) bandana complete with percentages and the stats truism saying "Powered By Statistics". No need to be a statistician or stats major to enjoy! Memorable educational scientific bandana for anyone who works with statistics! myStatistics

#stats #percentages #normal #Bandana

Where I Fall On The Bell Curve I Am Here Stats Metal Sign

Ad: Where I Fall On The Bell Curve I Am Here Stats Metal Sign

Showcase your wry statistical sense of humor with this "Where I Fall On The Bell Curve" metal parking sign featuring the normal distribution curve along with the call-out "I Am Here". Statistics geek humor metal sign for anyone who is well above average! myStatistics

#statistics #words #unwords #MetalSign

100 Percent Organic Krebs Cycle TCAC Metal Ornament

Ad: 100 Percent Organic Krebs Cycle TCAC Metal Ornament

Showcase wry biochemistry humor with any of these "100% Organic" citric acid cycle (Kreb cycle / tricarboyxlic acid cycle) gifts! Make others do a double-take on organic chemistry and energy with a dose of scientific geek attitude today! myBiochemistry

#percent #organic #krebs #MetalOrnament