Wednesday, April 21, 2021

This Machine Powered By Oxidative Phosphorylation Mouse Pad

Ad: This Machine Powered By Oxidative Phosphorylation Mouse Pad

Showcase your biochemical side with this cellular respiration humor mousepad featuring the saying "This Machine Is Powered By Oxidative Phosphorylation". Make others do a double-take when you let them know exactly where you get your energy from with this ATP energy humor mousepad! myBiochemistry

#energy #oxidative #MousePad

Caffeine Most Consumed Psychoactive Substance T-Shirt

Ad: Caffeine Most Consumed Psychoactive Substance T-Shirt

No need to be a chemistry or science teacher to know that caffeine is one of the most widely consumed psychoactive substances in the world. Showcase this well-known face with this caffeine chemical molecule tee today! Memorable t-shirt for any caffeine fan! myBiochemistry

#caffeine #words #unwords #TShirt

Just Having A Normal Day (Bell Curve Humor) T-Shirt

Ad: Just Having A Normal Day (Bell Curve Humor) T-Shirt

Are you just having a normal day? Showcase your wry sense of statistical humor with any of these gifts featuring the normal distribution curve along with the saying "Just Having A Normal Day". Educational psychological stats attitude gifts for all who have a normal day from time to time! myStatistics

#nerd #words #unwords #TShirt

By 2050 90% Of The World Will Be Vegetarian Bandana

Ad: By 2050 90% Of The World Will Be Vegetarian Bandana

Showcase your vegetarian / vegan sense of humor with a dose of environmental political attitude with this sustainability attitude bandana featuring a pile of vegetables along with the saying: 'By 2050 90% Of The World Will Be Vegetarian If We Continue To Use Water Resources The Way We Do". Make others think about water resources with this thoughtful vegetarian attitude bandana. myVegetarian

#ninety #percent #Bandana

What Is Your Achilles' Heel? (Heel Anatomy) Belt Buckle

Ad: What Is Your Achilles' Heel? (Heel Anatomy) Belt Buckle

Showcase your wry anatomical side with any of these gifts featuring the rhetorical question "What Is Your Achilles' Heel?" Make others do a double-take with a dose of Gray's Anatomy medical and psychological attitude with this educational scientific illustration of the Achilles' heel! myAnatomy

#what #your #achilles #heel #BeltBuckle

Just A Gut Feeling... Digestive System Humor Apron

Ad: Just A Gut Feeling... Digestive System Humor Apron

Do you have a gut feeling from time to time? Make others do a double-take on what you mean with a dose of wry medical anatomical humor with this all-over print apron featuring all key parts of the digestive system along with the saying "Just A Gut Feeling ...". myAnatomy

#just #feeling #Apron

Taking Deep Breaths Is Important To My State Mind T-Shirt

Ad: Taking Deep Breaths Is Important To My State Mind T-Shirt

Showcase your wry respiratory system attitude with this t-shirt featuring all key anatomical parts of the respiratory system along with the following truism saying for anyone who takes deep breaths: "Taking Deep Breaths Is Important To My State Of Mind". myAnatomy

#taking #deep #breaths #words #TShirt

Always Remember To Pull Trump Bridge Game Advice Bath Mat

Ad: Always Remember To Pull Trump Bridge Game Advice Bath Mat

Bridge players of all skill levels will enjoy this bathmat featuring the timeless bridge maxim "Always Remember To Pull Trump" along with the four card suits. Remind yourself of sound bridge advice with this bridge saying bath mat the next time you step into or out the bathtub or shower! myBridge

#bridge #game #lifemaster #BathMat

What Is Your Achilles' Heel? Heel Anatomy Psyche Socks

Ad: What Is Your Achilles' Heel? Heel Anatomy Psyche Socks

Showcase your wry anatomical side with this pair of socks featuring the rhetorical question "What Is Your Achilles' Heel?" Make others do a double-take with a dose of Gray's Anatomy medical and psychological attitude with this educational scientific illustration Achilles' heel pair of socks! myAnatomy

#what #your #achilles #heel #Socks

It's All In The DNA Classic Round Sticker

Ad: It's All In The DNA Classic Round Sticker

Do you think about life very often and do you believe that "It's All In The DNA"? No need to be a molecular biologist or geneticist to enjoy any of these wry DNA replication humor gifts. Make others do a double-take about their genes and genealogy with this witty scientific truism saying! myDna

#science #humor #ClassicRoundSticker

Reduce Your Junk Support Gene Splicing (RNA Humor) Postcard

Ad: Reduce Your Junk Support Gene Splicing (RNA Humor) Postcard

Showcase wry molecular biology humor with any of these gifts featuring RNA splicing complete with introns and exons. Funny scientific saying says it all: "Reduce Your Junk Support Gene Splicing". Make others do a double-take about themselves and their level of junk at the level of their genes with any of these tongue-in-cheek educational science humor gifts! No need to be a genetic engineer to enjoy! myDna

#biology #humor #exons #Postcard

Science Is In My Genes (DNA Replication) Throw Pillow

Ad: Science Is In My Genes (DNA Replication) Throw Pillow

Showcase your wry scientific molecular biology attitude with this throw pillow pillow featuring DNA replication along with the saying "Science Is In My Genes". Perfect throw pillow for any scientist or geneticist! myDna

#science #genes #ThrowPillow

Warning! Pyroclastic Flows Inside (Volcano) Magnet

Ad: Warning! Pyroclastic Flows Inside (Volcano) Magnet

Is there a volcano inside of you? Make others do a double-take with wry geological humor with any of these gifts featuring an active volcano and the saying "Warning! Pyroclastic Flows Inside". Make others do a double-take about what's going on inside of you with these earth science attitude gifts! myGeology

#warning #pyroclastic #flows #inside #Magnet

Gravitational Waves Found Inside Spectrum Coffee Mug

Ad: Gravitational Waves Found Inside Spectrum Coffee Mug

Gravitational waves were recently discovered confirming Einstein's prediction of gravitational waves from over 100 years ago. Einstein noted that the fabric of space-time can become curved by anything massive in the Universe such as cataclysmic events such as black holes merging or stars exploding and that events would cause a curvature of space-time and propagate as waves. Let your wry scientific side shine with any of these gifts featuring "The Gravitational Wave Spectrum" along with the geek humor saying "Gravitational Waves Found Inside". No need to be a physicist or astrophysicist to enjoy! myPhysics

#astronomy #galactic #humor #CoffeeMug

Life Is A Game Chess Is Serious (Chess Humor) Apron

Ad: Life Is A Game Chess Is Serious (Chess Humor) Apron

Showcase wry chess attitude with this reflective chess set all-over print apron that includes the wry saying "Life Is A Game - Chess Is Serious". Make others do a double-take about the nature of the game of chess at the chessboard. Memorable chess saying all-over print apron for any avid chess player! myChess

#chess #Apron

Be Strategic (Through The Looking Glass Chess) Throw Pillow

Ad: Be Strategic (Through The Looking Glass Chess) Throw Pillow

Showcase your wry chess player Wonderland attitude side with this throw pillow featuring the king and queen engaged in deep conversation on the chess battlefield along with the following truism caption: "Be Strategic". Make others do a double-take the next time they take a nap with this sound advice throw pillow today! myChess

#strategic #organizational #psychology #ThrowPillow

Eat ... Sleep ... Play Chess Reflective Chess Set Apron

Ad: Eat ... Sleep ... Play Chess Reflective Chess Set Apron

Chess players of all ages will enjoy tongue-in-cheek chess attitude with this all-over print apron featuring a reflective chess set along with the chess saying "Eat ... Sleep ... Play Chess". No need to be a die hard chess player to appreciate this chess humor saying apron. Memorable all-over print apron for anyone who participates in chess tournaments! myChess

#sleep #play #chess #Apron

Never Mind ... Brain Anatomy Psyche Humor Fabric

Ad: Never Mind ... Brain Anatomy Psyche Humor Fabric

Showcase your wry brainy sense of humor the next time you create with this fabric featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the saying "Never Mind ...". Make others do a double-take on what you are referring to with a dose of geek psyche today with this fabric! myAnatomy

#brain #words #unwords #Fabric

Just Pay Attention (Neuron / Synapse) Notebook

Ad: Just Pay Attention (Neuron / Synapse) Notebook

Showcase your wry neuron / synapse geek attitude with this attention span humor notebook featuring the saying "Just Pay Attention". No need to be a biologist or neurologist or someone with a short attention span to enjoy! myAnatomy

#just #attention #neuron #Notebook

Just Being Renal Kidney Nephron Anatomy Humor Scarf

Ad: Just Being Renal Kidney Nephron Anatomy Humor Scarf

No need to work in the medical field -- although it certain helps -- to enjoy this wry kidney nephron humor scarf featuring all of the key parts of the nephron (from medical textbook Gray's Anatomy) along with the saying "Just Being Renal". Word play on the word "real" and "renal". Make everyone do a double-take on what you mean today with this anatomical attitude scarf! myAnatomy

#anatomy #nephron #kidney #Scarf

Love Your Legumes (Bean Dicotyledon) T-Shirt

Ad: Love Your Legumes (Bean Dicotyledon) T-Shirt

If you love beans you'll enjoy this tee featuring all key parts of bean (dicotyledon) along with the saying "Love Your Legumes". Memorable t-shirt for any vegetarian and anyone who likes to eat beans! myVegetarian

#bean #vegetable #dicotyledon #TShirt

Stamp Out Irregularities Follow Convention Card Bandana

Ad: Stamp Out Irregularities Follow Convention Card Bandana

Bridge players of all ages understand the importance of following the convention card as filled out by a set of partners. No need to be a bridge director to enjoy this sound bridge advice bandana featuring the four card suits along with the following bridge saying: "Stamp Out Irregularities Follow Your Convention Card". Make others do a double-take at the bridge table with this memorable bridge bandana! myBridge

#acbl #convention #card #Bandana

Just Call Me Statistically Significant Stats Humor Apron

Ad: Just Call Me Statistically Significant Stats Humor Apron

No need to be a statistician to enjoy wry statistical humor with this all-over print apron featuring the normal distribution curve (bell curve Gaussian curve) along with the tongue-in-cheek saying "Just Call Me Statistically Significant". Memorable stats attitude all-over print apron for anyone who engages in hypothesis testing and knows that one is statistically significant! myStatistics

#normal #distribution #curve #statistics #Apron

Express Your Rational Side Play Duplicate Bridge Adult Apron

Ad: Express Your Rational Side Play Duplicate Bridge Adult Apron

Duplicate bridge players will enjoy any of these wry bridge advice gifts featuring the four card suits along with the saying "Express Your Rational Side Play Duplicate Bridge". Great gifts for any avid duplicate bridge player who understands what a rational game duplicate bridge truly is! myBridge

#express #your #rational #side #AdultApron

Protein Synthesis Inside (Cell Biology) Magnet

Ad: Protein Synthesis Inside (Cell Biology) Magnet

Showcase this biological truism with this detailed look at protein synthesis. Wry saying says it all: "Protein Synthesis Inside". No need to be a cell biologist to showcase how you build proteins via amino acids in the ribosome. Colorful scientific diagram complete with labels. myBiochemistry

#truism #saying #humor #Magnet