Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Normality Eludes Me Bell Curve Stats Geek Humor Pocket Watch

Ad: Normality Eludes Me Bell Curve Stats Geek Humor Pocket Watch

If the term normality or being normal does not fit you you'll enjoy this statistics attitude pocket watch featuring the saying "Normality Eludes Me". Do a double-take with a dose of educational statistical humor the next time you tell time with this bell curve (Gaussian curve normal distribution curve) humor pocket watch. No need to be a statistician to enjoy! myStatistics

#stats #statistics #normality #PocketWatch

Team Vegetarian (Vegetarian Attitude / Spirit) Classic Round Sticker

Ad: Team Vegetarian (Vegetarian Attitude / Spirit) Classic Round Sticker

If you are a die-hard vegetarian you'll enjoy any of these gifts featuring a pile of vegetables with the caption "Team Vegetarian". Let everyone know of your vegetarian spirit with any of these vegetarian / vegan saying gifts! Advocate the vegetarian lifestyle today! myVegetarian

#vegetarian #vegan #team #ClassicRoundSticker

Take Time To Play Bridge (Four Card Suits)

Ad: Take Time To Play Bridge (Four Card Suits)

Showcase your wry bridge player side with these playing cards featuring the four card suits along with the following bridge saying: "Take Time To Play Bridge". myBridge

#take #time #play #bridge

Will Play Duplicate Bridge For Food Card Suits Paper Napkins

Ad: Will Play Duplicate Bridge For Food Card Suits Paper Napkins

Host your next bridge party or event with a dose of wry duplicate bridge humor with these customizable paper napkins featuring the four card suits along with the following bridge saying that any avid duplicate bridge player will enjoy: "Will Play Duplicate Bridge For Food". Memorable bridge attitude paper napkins for your next bridge event! myBridge

#duplicate #bridge #game #PaperNapkins

Just Being Renal (Kidney Nephron Renal Humor) Watch

Ad: Just Being Renal (Kidney Nephron Renal Humor) Watch

Showcase your renal (real) attitude with a dose of medical geek humor the next time you wear this watch featuring an illustration of a kidney's nephron along with the saying "Just Being Renal". Great watch gift for any nephrologist! myAnatomy

#anatomy #nephron #kidney #Watch

You Can Never Retire From The Game Of Bridge Doormat

Ad: You Can Never Retire From The Game Of Bridge Doormat

No matter how old you are or whether you are retired or not if you enjoy the game of bridge or duplicate bridge you'll enjoy this doormat featuring the four card suits along with the bridge truism saying "You Can Never Retire From The Game Of Bridge". Showcase your wry bridge attitude with a dose of intelligent fun today. Great doormat gift for any bridge club! myBridge

#retire #game #bridge #Doormat

Elevate Your Thinking Play Duplicate Bridge Table Lamp

Ad: Elevate Your Thinking Play Duplicate Bridge Table Lamp

Make others do a double-take with a dose of duplicate bridge humor with this lamp featuring the following bridge advice: "Elevate Your Thinking Play Duplicate Bridge". Includes the four card suits. No need to be a duplicate bridge teacher or bridge director to enjoy this lamp! myBridge

#bridge #teacher #advice #TableLamp

The Game Of Bridge Demands Total Concentration Apron

Ad: The Game Of Bridge Demands Total Concentration Apron

Avid bridge players and bridge teachers will enjoy this all-over print apron featuring the four card suits along with the following sound bridge advice and observation: "The Game Of Bridge Demands Total Concentration". Make others do a double-take at the skill that bridge players take a lot of time to master whenever they play bridge with this all-over print apron! myBridge

#duplicate #bridge #partner #Apron

Brain Power Is For Real Brain Anatomy Attitude Scarf

Ad: Brain Power Is For Real Brain Anatomy Attitude Scarf

If you like to think contemplate and decide then you know that "Brain Power Is For Real". Showcase your wry geek side with this educational anatomical scarf featuring the various parts of a brain and the truism saying about brain power. Memorable scarf for anyone who uses one's brain and knows that brain power is for real! myAnatomy

#brain #anatomy #anatomical #parts #Scarf

Will Play Duplicate Bridge For Food 4 Card Suits Trivet

Ad: Will Play Duplicate Bridge For Food 4 Card Suits Trivet

Duplicate bridge players hungry for bridge will enjoy this wry bridge humor trivet featuring the four card suits along with the saying "Will Play Duplicate Bridge For Food". Make others do a double-take with a dose of bridge attitude at your next bridge game with this memorable bridge saying trivet! myBridge

#duplicate #bridge #game #Trivet

Gene Therapy Anyone? (DNA Replication) T-Shirt

Ad: Gene Therapy Anyone? (DNA Replication) T-Shirt

No need to be a geneticist or molecular biologist to find wry scientific humor with any of these DNA replication gag gifts featuring the saying "Gene Therapy Anyone?" Make others do a double-take at exactly what your abilities are and exactly what you mean with any of these scientific attitude gifts today! myDna

#gene #therapy #genes #TShirt

Coded For Storytelling (DNA Replication) T-Shirt

Ad: Coded For Storytelling (DNA Replication) T-Shirt

Do you come from a long line of storytellers? Showcase your wry molecular biology attitude with any of these gifts featuring all key components of DNA replication along with the saying "Coded For Storytelling". Make others do a double-take with a dose of tongue-in-cheek geek attitude today! myDna

#coded #storytelling #storyteller #TShirt

Genetically Wired For Search DNA Replication Humor Coffee Mug

Ad: Genetically Wired For Search DNA Replication Humor Coffee Mug

Do you spend a lot of time searching? Showcase your wry search DNA side with a dose of molecular biology humor with this mug featuring DNA replication along with the saying "Genetically Wired For Search". Make others do a double-take on why you behave the way that you do with this mug! myDna

#genetically #wired #search #CoffeeMug

Geologist Embedded Within (Subduction Zone) Wristwatch

Ad: Geologist Embedded Within (Subduction Zone) Wristwatch

Is there a geologist embedded within you? Showcase wry earth science humor the next time you tell time with this watch featuring a subduction zone complete with labels along with the tongue-in-cheek scientific truism "Geologist Embedded Within". Whether you are a geologist or seismologist or not you'll enjoy educational plate tectonics humor. Perfect watch for any geologist! myGeology

#earth #science #geology #Wristwatch

Our Common History Earth's Geological Timeline Flip Flops

Ad: Our Common History Earth's Geological Timeline Flip Flops

Do you enjoy viewing Earth's history? Do you see Earth's history as our common history? Showcase wry educational sense of geological age humor with this Earth's history timeline spiral pair of flip flops with the caption "Our Common History". Let others know exactly when life began and all of the periods eons and epochs that have taken place. Geological timeline flip flops for anyone who knows about our common history! myGeology

#time #line #geological #FlipFlops

Electromagnetic University (Electromag. Spectrum) Classic Round Sticker

Ad: Electromagnetic University (Electromag. Spectrum) Classic Round Sticker

No need to be studying physics to enjoy any of these gifts featuring the electromagnetic spectrum along with the caption "Electromagnetic University" in Varsity lettering. Make others do a double-take about the visible and invisible portions of light with a dose of educational scientific attitude today! myPhysics

#physics #physicist #ClassicRoundSticker

Checkmate Is My Motto Reflective Chess Set Face Mask

Ad: Checkmate Is My Motto Reflective Chess Set Face Mask

Chess players will enjoy wry chess humor with this cotton/polyester face mask featuring a reflective chess set along with the saying "Checkmate Is My Motto". Make others do a double-take about what you love to say when playing chess with this memorable chess saying cotton/polyester face mask today! myChess

#checkmate #motto #FaceMask

Study Quantum Physics After All You Can Do Things Two-Tone Coffee Mug

Ad: Study Quantum Physics After All You Can Do Things Two-Tone Coffee Mug

Quantum physicists will enjoy any of these gifts featuring the Higgs field of quantum mechanics along with the following physics geek advice: "Study Quantum Physics After All You Can Do Things Prohibited By The Laws Of Classical Physics". myPhysics

#quantum #physics #higgs #field #TwoToneCoffeeMug

Chess Is My Second Nature Reflective Chess Set Face Mask

Ad: Chess Is My Second Nature Reflective Chess Set Face Mask

Avid chess players and chess teachers will enjoy this cotton/polyester face mask featuring a reflective chess set along with the saying "Chess Is My Second Nature". Make others do a double-take with a dose of wry reflective chess attitude with this existential chess saying face mask! myChess

#chess #teacher #words #FaceMask

Lorentz Transformation Inside Physics Mouse Pad

Ad: Lorentz Transformation Inside Physics Mouse Pad

This diagram shows the Lorentz transformations on the Minkowski light cone spacetime diagram for one spatial dimension. The Lorentz transformation or Lorentz-Fitzgerald transformation describes how according to the theory of special relativity different measurements of space and time by two observers can be converted into the measurements observed in either frame of reference. Showcase your knowledge of physics with a dose of relativistic attitude with this "Lorenz Transformation Inside" mousepad! Great educational geek humor mousepad for any physicist! myPhysics

#theory #relativity #physics #MousePad

Mad For Chess Reflective Chess Set Geek Humor Planner

Ad: Mad For Chess Reflective Chess Set Geek Humor Planner

Showcase your wry chess attitude with this planner featuring a reflective chess set along with the saying "Mad For Chess". Memorable chess humor saying planner for any chess fanatic or avid chess player! myChess

#chess #Planner

Optimized For Chess Reflective Chess Set Humor Flask

Ad: Optimized For Chess Reflective Chess Set Humor Flask

Showcase your wry chess attitude the next time you take a swig from this chess saying flask featuring a reflective chess set and the caption "Optimized For Chess". Memorable chess humor flask for any avid chess player! myChess

#optimized #chess #Flask

Anatomy Of A Mosquito (Entomology) Plaque

Ad: Anatomy Of A Mosquito (Entomology) Plaque

No need to be an entomologist to enjoy any of these entomological attitude biology gifts featuring detailed "Anatomy Of A Mosquito" with labels of all key anatomical parts. Make others do a double-take during mosquito season with an informative scientific diagram of everyone's most unwanted insect! No need to have been bitten by a mosquito to enjoy! myAnatomy

#anatomy #insect #entomology #Plaque

Sharp Eye (I) Inside (Anatomical Eyeball) Tote Bag

Ad: Sharp Eye (I) Inside (Anatomical Eyeball) Tote Bag

Do you have a sharp eye? No need to be an ophthamologist to enjoy wry anatomical and medical attitude with any of these gifts featuring the different parts of the human eyeball along with the saying "Sharp Eye (I) Inside". Make others do a double-take at your viewing skills and your psyche with a dose of medical geek humor today! myAnatomy

#sharp #inside #eyeball #ToteBag

Inside What I Eat Plant Cell Vegetarian Humor Trivet

Ad: Inside What I Eat Plant Cell Vegetarian Humor Trivet

No need to be a vegetarian -- although it certainly helps -- in order to enjoy wry food humor with this educational scientific trivet featuring a detailed diagram of a plant cell with the caption "Inside What I Eat". Make others do a double-take on exactly what is inside of what they eat the next time they eat plant matter with this trivet. Science attitude truism saying for vegetarians and herbivores alike! myVegetarian

#vegetarian #vegan #attitude #Trivet