Tuesday, April 20, 2021

3NT My Favorite Contract Four Card Suits Bridge T-Shirt

Ad: 3NT My Favorite Contract Four Card Suits Bridge T-Shirt

Bridge / duplicate bridge players who love playing game in 3NT (three no trump) will enjoy this tee featuring the four card suits along with the saying "3NT My Favorite Contract". Make others do a double-take with a dose of bridge game attitude with this memorable bridge saying t-shirt! myBridge

#duplicate #bridge #words #TShirt

Monday, April 19, 2021

Subduction Zone Embedded Within (Geology Humor) Towel

Ad: Subduction Zone Embedded Within (Geology Humor) Towel

Geological attitude is alive and well on this diagram featuring a subduction zone and the wry suggestive saying "Subduction Zone Embedded Within". Make others do a double-take on earth science and plate tectonics humor today with any of these seducing and eye-popping educational scientific gifts! myGeology

#geology #subduction #zone #Towel

Life Is Nothing But An Organic Cycle Krebs Cycle Wristwatch

Ad: Life Is Nothing But An Organic Cycle Krebs Cycle Wristwatch

Wry organic chemistry is alive and well on this watch featuring the Krebs cycle (citric acid cycle tricarboxylic acid cycle) along with the following scientific truism saying: "Life Is Nothing But An Organic Cycle". Great watch gift for any fan of biochemistry! myBiochemistry

#life #nothing #Wristwatch

Understanding Type 1 And Type 2 Errors Statistics Fabric

Ad: Understanding Type 1 And Type 2 Errors Statistics Fabric

No need to be a statistician or psychologist to understand type I and type II statistical errors. Type I error is an α error or a "false positive": the error of rejecting a null hypothesis when it is actually true. Type II error is a β error or a "false negative": the error of failing to reject a null hypothesis when it is in fact not true. Showcase your knowledge and understand of who is right and who is wrong with this statistical attitude fabric the next time you create! myStatistics

#type #error #words #Fabric

99.7% Confident Fall Within Three Std Deviations Post-it Notes

Ad: 99.7% Confident Fall Within Three Std Deviations Post-it Notes

Are you a statistically inclined person? Post-it Notes contains an image of the bell curve (normal distribution curve) along with the saying that will surely turn all heads and wonder what you mean: "I Am 99.7% Confident That I Fall Within 3 Standard Deviations From The Mean". Stats humor Post-it Notes for anyone into statistics! No need to be a statistician or statistics teacher to enjoy. myStatistics

#statistics #bell #curve #PostitNotes

Investor Genes Inside (DNA Replication) T-Shirt

Ad: Investor Genes Inside (DNA Replication) T-Shirt

Are you born to invest? Showcase your wry DNA attitude with this tee featuring DNA replication along with the saying "Investor Genes Inside". Tongue-in-cheek molecular biology humor for all who invest and who enjoy doing so! myDna

#replication #TShirt

Chess Is My Second Nature Reflective Chess Set Planner

Ad: Chess Is My Second Nature Reflective Chess Set Planner

Avid chess players and chess teachers will enjoy this planner featuring a reflective chess set along with the saying "Chess Is My Second Nature". Make others do a double-take with a dose of wry reflective chess attitude with this existential chess saying planner! myChess

#chess #teacher #words #Planner

Chess Never A Stale Game Chess Set Pieces Humor Doormat

Ad: Chess Never A Stale Game Chess Set Pieces Humor Doormat

Chess players will enjoy this chess saying doormat featuring a reflective chess set along with the saying "Chess Never A Stale Game". Make others do a double-take at why chess the game never seems stale to you! Memorable chess humor doormat for anyone who views the game of chess with a fresh pair of eyes each time played or for any chess club! myChess

#chess #teacher #words #Doormat

Play Chess It Is A Game Of Survival Chess Set Scarf

Ad: Play Chess It Is A Game Of Survival Chess Set Scarf

Chess players will enjoy showcasing their wry chess humor with this scarf featuring a reflective chess set along with the saying "Play Chess It Is A Game Of Survival". Make others do a double-take about what the game of chess is all about with this chess saying scarf! myChess

#play #chess #advice #Scarf

Chess Players Participate Hopscotch Mind Chess Set Fabric

Ad: Chess Players Participate Hopscotch Mind Chess Set Fabric

Showcase your wit and wisdom regarding the game of chess the next time you create with this fabric featuring a reflective chess set along with the saying "Chess Players Participate In The Hopscotch Of The Mind". Memorable chess attitude fabric for any maker who knows what chess players do when playing the game of chess! myChess

#chess #teachers #Fabric

If I Am Lost In Translation Just Blame My RNA Scarf

Ad: If I Am Lost In Translation Just Blame My RNA Scarf

Are you frequently lost in translation? No need to know about protein synthesis to enjoy wry biochemistry humor with this scarf featuring messenger RNA along with the tongue-in-cheek truism saying that is applicable in life: "If I Am Lost In Translation Just Blame My RNA". Make others do a double-take about language and meaning with this quirky scientific saying scarf! myBiochemistry

#messenger #Scarf

Organic Machinery Inside Krebs Cycle Geek Humor Fabric

Ad: Organic Machinery Inside Krebs Cycle Geek Humor Fabric

Let everyone do a double-take at the Krebs cycle (also known as the citric acid cycle or tricarboxylic acid cycle - TCAC) the next time you create with this fabric featuring the saying "Organic Machinery Inside". No need to be a biochemist or science teacher to enjoy this Krebs cycle geek humor fabric! myBiochemistry

#organic #machinery #inside #citric #Fabric

I Function On A Complex Cycle Krebs Cycle Humor Table Lamp

Ad: I Function On A Complex Cycle Krebs Cycle Humor Table Lamp

Do you function on a complex cycle? You'll enjoy this biochemistry humor lamp featuring the Krebs cycle (also known as the citric acid cycle or tricarboxylic acid cycle) with the saying "I Function On A Complex Cycle". Showcase the complexity of your operating innards today. Science attitude lamp for anyone who functions on a complex cycle -- no matter what schedule you are following! myBiochemistry

#complex #cycle #krebs #TableLamp

Just Call Me Statistically Significant T-Shirt

Ad: Just Call Me Statistically Significant T-Shirt

No need to be a statistician to enjoy wry statistical humor with any of these gifts featuring the normal distribution curve (bell curve Gaussian curve) along with the tongue-in-cheek saying "Just Call Me Statistically Significant". Memorable stats attitude gifts for those who engage in hypothesis testing and know that they are statistically significant! myStatistics

#humor #normal #distribution #curve #TShirt

Do Vegetarians Eat Figs? (Pile Of Vegetables) T-Shirt

Ad: Do Vegetarians Eat Figs? (Pile Of Vegetables) T-Shirt

Showcase your wry vegetarian side with this tee featuring a pile of vegetables along with the following ponderous intellectual query: "Do Vegetarians Eat Figs?" The fig-wasp symbiosis notes that the wasps die within the fruit as part of the the wasp life cycle. Thus comes the following thoughtful inquiry as to what constitutes fruit and what constitutes animal matter. Make others do a double-take at their vegetarian diet with a dose of vegetarian humor today with this t-shirt! myVegetarian

#vegetarians #figs #TShirt

Stay In The Moment Play Bridge (Four Card Suits) Notebook

Ad: Stay In The Moment Play Bridge (Four Card Suits) Notebook

Showcase your wry bridge / duplicate bridge attitude with the notebook featuring the four card suits along with the saying "Stay In The Moment Play Bridge". myBridge

#stay #moment #Notebook

Do Not Sit Out The Game Of Bridge Four Card Suits Stainless Steel Water Bottle

Ad: Do Not Sit Out The Game Of Bridge Four Card Suits Stainless Steel Water Bottle

Avid bridge players will enjoy this bridge saying water bottle featuring the four card suits along with the saying "Do Not Sit Out The Game Of Bridge". myBridge


Circle Of Willis Providing Proper Blood Flow Brain Beverage Coaster

Ad: Circle Of Willis Providing Proper Blood Flow Brain Beverage Coaster

Educational scientific anatomical attitude is alive and well on any of these gifts featuring the Circle of Willis the structure of arteries that provide blood flow to the brain. Make others do a double-take with a dose of circulatory attitude with any of these gifts featuring "Circle Of Willis Providing Proper Blood Flow To The Brain". myAnatomy

#arteries #words #unwords #BeverageCoaster

Duplicate Bridge Players Can Never Overanalyze Flask

Ad: Duplicate Bridge Players Can Never Overanalyze Flask

When you play duplicate bridge do you frequently go over hands after the session? Showcase your wry duplicate bridge attitude with this flask featuring the four card suits along with the saying "Duplicate Bridge Players Can Never Overanalyze A Hand". Make others do a double-take with a sharp observation of what some of the most astute bridge players do after playing bridge when you take a swig from this memorable bridge saying flask! myBridge

#duplicate #bridge #words #Flask

Experience Mental Flow Play Bridge Card Suits Bluetooth Speaker

Ad: Experience Mental Flow Play Bridge Card Suits Bluetooth Speaker

Bridge players will enjoy this bluetooth speaker featuring the four card suits along with the saying "Experience Mental Flow Play Bridge". Make others do a double-take on what to do to experience mental flow today with this memorable bridge saying bluetooth speaker! myBridge

#experience #mental #flow #play #BluetoothSpeaker

Eye Think (I Think Anatomical Eye Humor) T-Shirt

Ad: Eye Think (I Think Anatomical Eye Humor) T-Shirt

Showcase your wry sense of anatomical humor with this "Eye Think [I Think]" gift tee! Complete with all important labels of the human eye. Optometrist and opthalmologist health and medicine gift for practitioners who love to think! Let everyone know what you think with a dose of educational anatomical humor. Make others do a double-take and wonder exactly what you mean! myAnatomy

#iris #retina #TShirt

Parental Genes Inside (DNA Replication) Baby T-Shirt

Ad: Parental Genes Inside (DNA Replication) Baby T-Shirt

Are you a parent? Do you exhibit parenting behavior toward your parents? Showcase your wry yet realistic molecular biology attitude with a dose of scientific fun with any of these gifts featuring DNA replication along with the saying "Parental Genes Inside". Memorable scientific saying gifts for anyone who parents another! myDna

#genes #words #unwords #BabyTShirt

Storytelling Genes Inside DNA Replication Humor Fabric

Ad: Storytelling Genes Inside DNA Replication Humor Fabric

Those who love to tell stories will enjoy this molecular biology attitude fabric featuring all key components of DNA replication along with the saying "Storytelling Genes Inside". Make others do a double-take on where you get your storyteller skills from with a dose of educational scientific humor today the next time you create with this fabric! myDna

#genes #words #unwords #Fabric

Don't Take Gneiss For Granite (Geology Humor) T-Shirt

Ad: Don't Take Gneiss For Granite (Geology Humor) T-Shirt

No need to be a geologist or geology major to enjoy this tongue-in-cheek scientific truism saying tee featuring gneiss a common and widely distributed type of rock formed by high-grade regional metamorphic processes from pre-existing formations that were originally either igneous or sedimentary rocks along with the saying "Don't Take Gneiss For Granite". It means of course "Don't Take Nice For Granted"! Memorable geological attitude t-shirt for geologists earth scientists volcanologists and anyone who enjoys some gneiss and granite humor! myGeology

#gneiss #granite #geology #TShirt

Explorer Genes Inside (DNA Replication) T-Shirt

Ad: Explorer Genes Inside (DNA Replication) T-Shirt

Do you love to explore? Are you genetically hard-wired for exploration? Showcase your wry genetic side with any of these gifts featuring DNA replication along with the saying "Explorer Genes Inside". myDna

#replication #genes #TShirt