Tuesday, April 13, 2021

One Can Never Spend Too Much Time Playing Bridge Keychain

Ad: One Can Never Spend Too Much Time Playing Bridge Keychain

Do you spend lots and lots of time playing bridge / duplicate bridge? Showcase your wry bridge side with any of these gifts featuring the four card suits along with the saying "One Can Never Spend Too Much Time Playing Bridge". Memorable gifts for any die-hard bridge player! myBridge

#bridge #game #player #Keychain

Monday, April 12, 2021

Bridge Players Do It With The Endgame In Mind Business Card

Ad: Bridge Players Do It With The Endgame In Mind Business Card

If you play bridge and take the game seriously you'll enjoy introducing yourself with any of these business cards featuring the four card suits along with the saying "Bridge Players Do It With The Endgame In Mind". Make others do a double-take about what bridge players do and why they do it at the bridge table! myBridge

#four #card #suits #bridge #BusinessCard

My Life Follows A Certain Cycle Krebs Cycle Humor Fabric

Ad: My Life Follows A Certain Cycle Krebs Cycle Humor Fabric

Showcase your wry Krebs cycle sense of humor the next time you create with this fabric featuring the citric acid cycle (tricarboxylic acid cycle TCAC) along with the saying "My Life Follows A Certain Cycle". Make others do a double-take with a dose of scientific educational attitude on what their energy cycle is all about with this fabric! myBiochemistry

#citric #acid #cycle #words #Fabric

Igneous Is Bliss (Geology Ignorance Is Bliss) Neck Tie

Ad: Igneous Is Bliss (Geology Ignorance Is Bliss) Neck Tie

If you love igneous rock and have studied them in detail you'll enjoy any of these wry geological attitude gifts featuring the classification scheme for igneous rocks on their mineralogy. As you probably know igneous rock is formed by magma or lava (molten rock) cooling and becoming solid. The diagram features the mineralogical composition of igneous rocks with decreasing silica (SiO2) content. Make others do a double-take with these scientific truism gifts that include the fun-filled saying "Igneous Is Bliss" (a parody on Ignorance Is Bliss)! myGeology

#geology #igneous #bliss #NeckTie

Understanding Type I And Type II Errors Statistics Round Clock

Ad: Understanding Type I And Type II Errors Statistics Round Clock

No need to be a statistician or psychologist to understand type I and type II statistical errors. Type I error is an α error or a "false positive": the error of rejecting a null hypothesis when it is actually true. Type II error is a β error or a "false negative": the error of failing to reject a null hypothesis when it is in fact not true. Showcase your knowledge and understand of who is right and who is wrong with this statistical attitude clock! Perfect clock for any hypothesis tester! myStatistics

#type #error #words #RoundClock

I'm Gneiss Don't Take Me For Granite (Rock Humor) Keychain

Ad: I'm Gneiss Don't Take Me For Granite (Rock Humor) Keychain

Showcase your wry geological and earth science side with any of these gifts featuring gneiss along with the following scientific saying: "I'm Gneiss Don't Take Me For Granite". Double-entendre humor that means the following as well: "I'm Nice Don't Take Me For Granted". Make others do a double-take on what you mean with any of these gneiss attitude gifts! myGeology

#gneiss #rock #humor #Keychain

Oxytocin Building Blocks Of Love Chemistry Bandana

Ad: Oxytocin Building Blocks Of Love Chemistry Bandana

No need to be a chemist or biochemist to know about the peptide hormone oxytocin known as the "Building Blocks Of Love". Make others do a double-take with a dose of scientific attitude over the true origins of love today! Memorable geek humor bandana for Valentine's Day Mother's Day etc.! myBiochemistry

#oxytocin #peptide #mammalian #Bandana

Eat ... Sleep ... Think Statistics (Bell Curve) Business Card

Ad: Eat ... Sleep ... Think Statistics (Bell Curve) Business Card

Statisticians will enjoy introducing themselves with a dose of stats geek attitude with any of these business cards featuring a normal distribution curve (bell curve Gaussian curve) along with the saying "Eat ... Sleep ... Think Statistics". Customizable business cards for anyone who think about statistics constantly! myStatistics

#bell #curve #humor #BusinessCard

Genetics Is In My Genes DNA Replication Humor Throw Blanket

Ad: Genetics Is In My Genes DNA Replication Humor Throw Blanket

No need to be a biologist or geneticist to enjoy wry scientific humor with this throw blanket featuring DNA replication complete with all key parts and labels along with the biological truism saying "Genetics Is In My Genes". Make everyone do a double-take on the world of genetics and genes with this educational scientific attitude throw blanket today! myDna

#replication #ThrowBlanket

Unwind With Molecular Biology DNA Replication Napkins

Ad: Unwind With Molecular Biology DNA Replication Napkins

Showcase your wry molecular biologist side with a dose of genetics humor with this customizable paper napkin featuring DNA replication along with the saying "Unwind With Molecular Biology". Includes the leading and lagging strands of DNA. Classic conversation starter geek humor paper napkin for your next event or gathering! myDna

#unwind #with #molecular #biology #Napkins

Yet Another Year Older Still Just As Twisted DNA T-Shirt

Ad: Yet Another Year Older Still Just As Twisted DNA T-Shirt

Showcase your wry molecular biology attitude toward aging with any of these gifts featuring DNA replication along with the saying "Yet Another Year Older ... And Still Just As Twisted". Makes a great birthday gift for any molecular biologist or scientist! myDna

#another #year #older #TShirt

Genetics Is In My Genes DNA Replication Humor iPhone 8/7 Case

Ad: Genetics Is In My Genes DNA Replication Humor iPhone 8/7 Case

No need to be a biologist or geneticist to enjoy wry scientific humor with this iPhone 8/7 Case featuring DNA replication complete with all key parts and labels along with the biological truism saying "Genetics Is In My Genes". Make everyone do a double-take on the world of genetics and genes with this educational scientific attitude iPhone Barely There case today! myDna

#replication #iPhone87Case

Chess The Art Of Analysis Magnet

Ad: Chess The Art Of Analysis Magnet

If you have played chess for a while you will realize that chess induces a thinking on a different plane. Showcase your deep thoughts with any of these gifts featuring a reflective chess set along with the chess truism saying "Chess The Art Of Analysis". No need to be a chess teacher to enjoy! myChess

#chess #player #Magnet

Life Is Nothing But A Series Of Chain Reactions

Ad: Life Is Nothing But A Series Of Chain Reactions

Do you life to be nothing but a series of chain reactions? Showcase wry biological and scientific humor with any of these gifts featuring the electron transport chain as found in the mitochondria. Comes with the biological truism saying that many find to be true: "Life Is Nothing But A Series Of Chain Reactions". Make others do a double-take with wry biochemical humor with any of these electron transport chain attitude gifts! myBiochemistry

#life #sciences

Statistically Confident Inside Bell Curve Humor Table Lamp

Ad: Statistically Confident Inside Bell Curve Humor Table Lamp

Let your wry statistical side shine with this lamp featuring the bell curve distribution (normal distribution curve) along with the following stats humor saying: "Statistically Confident Inside". Great wrapped canvas lamp for any statistician or stats student who engages in hypothesis testing! myStatistics

#statistics #stats #bell #TableLamp

Do You Have All Your Bases Covered? Nucleobases Trivet

Ad: Do You Have All Your Bases Covered? Nucleobases Trivet

No need to be a biochemist to enjoy wry geek humor with this trivet featuring the DNA bases of adenine cytosine guanine and thymine in chemical molecule form along with the following rhetorical question: "Do You Have All Your Bases Covered?" myBiochemistry

#have #your #Trivet

Remember: Case Fatality Ratio Is Not Same As Cause Bath Mat

Ad: Remember: Case Fatality Ratio Is Not Same As Cause Bath Mat

Remind yourself of your knowledge of health and disease with this bath mat featuring the following epidemiological statement: "Remember: Case Fatality Rate Is Not The Same As Cause-Specific Mortality Rate". Includes equations on how to calculate both ratios. No need to be an epidemiologist to appreciate how these statistics are frequently mistaken for each other in the greater media when discussing public health issues in everyday conversation. myStatistics

#epidemiology #epidemiologist #advice #BathMat

Wanted A Large Amount Of Inner Potential

Ad: Wanted A Large Amount Of Inner Potential

No need to be a cell biologist to appreciate wry scientific humor with any of these gifts featuring the operational innards of a mitochondrion. Comes with the electron transport chain in the mitochondrial intermembrane space along with the truism saying "Wanted A Large Amount Of Inner Potential". myBiochemistry

#biology #chemistry #biochemistry

Wired For Statistics Stats Bell Curve Humor Watch

Ad: Wired For Statistics Stats Bell Curve Humor Watch

Statisticians psychologists mathematicians economists and anyone who works with statistics on a daily basis will enjoy this memorable stats humor saying watch featuring the bell curve along with the caption "Wired For Statistics". Make others do a double-take the next time you tell time with a dose of intelligent educational style with this statistical attitude watch! Featuring percentages under the curve along with the normal distribution curve (Gaussian distribution). myStatistics

#wired #statistics #Watch

Remember: Case Fatality Ratio Is Not Same As Cause Table Lamp

Ad: Remember: Case Fatality Ratio Is Not Same As Cause Table Lamp

Inform others of your knowledge of health and disease with this lamp featuring the following epidemiological statement: "Remember: Case Fatality Rate Is Not The Same As Cause-Specific Mortality Rate". Includes equations on how to calculate both ratios. No need to be an epidemiologist to start a conversation with others on how these statistics are frequently mistaken for each other in the greater media when discussing public health issues. myStatistics

#epidemiology #epidemiologist #advice #TableLamp

Just Bean Me Up Bean Anatomy Humor Diagram Scarf

Ad: Just Bean Me Up Bean Anatomy Humor Diagram Scarf

If you love beans and like to eat them you'll enjoy this scarf featuring a cross-cut diagram of a bean seed (dicotyledon) complete with all key components along with the following saying: "Just Bean Me Up". Make others do a double-take on what you are trying to say with a dose of food for thought humor today! myVegetarian

#just #bean #Scarf

Insufficient Storage Inside Brain Anatomy Humor Socks

Ad: Insufficient Storage Inside Brain Anatomy Humor Socks

Let your wry anatomical side shine with this pair of socks featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the following brainy saying: "Insufficient Storage Inside". Make others do a double-take about how much you can remember the next time you wear with this pair of socks! myAnatomy

#insufficient #storage #inside #brain #Socks

Anatomy Of A Builder (Worker Ant Anatomy) T-Shirt

Ad: Anatomy Of A Builder (Worker Ant Anatomy) T-Shirt

Do you like to build stuff? Face it some of nature's finest builders are worker ants. Showcase your wry naturalist side with any of these entomology gifts featuring worker ant anatomy complete with all key labels along with the caption "Anatomy Of A Builder". Make others do a double-take at what you mean with any of these educational scientific gifts today! myAnatomy

#worker #entomology #TShirt

Warning! Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Inside Medical Serving Tray

Ad: Warning! Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Inside Medical Serving Tray

Let your wry medical and anatomical side shine with this serving tray featuring hand anatomy from the medical textbook Gray's Anatomy along with the following saying for someone who writes types or clicks too much: "Warning! Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Inside". Great serving tray for anyone with carpal tunnel syndrome! myAnatomy

#warning #carpal #tunnel #syndrome #ServingTray

Obsessive Compulsive Bridge Disorder (OCBD) Mouse Pad

Ad: Obsessive Compulsive Bridge Disorder (OCBD) Mouse Pad

Are you obsessive about bridge? Do you have obsessive compulsive bridge disorder? Look no further than this mousepad which celebrate your compulsive neurological side with a dose of duplicate bridge attitude fun! Featuring the four card suits along with the saying "Obsessive Compulsive Bridge Disorder". Warn others about what afflicts you the next time you play at the bridge table! myBridge

#obsessive #compulsive #MousePad