Monday, April 12, 2021

Wanted A Large Amount Of Inner Potential

Ad: Wanted A Large Amount Of Inner Potential

No need to be a cell biologist to appreciate wry scientific humor with any of these gifts featuring the operational innards of a mitochondrion. Comes with the electron transport chain in the mitochondrial intermembrane space along with the truism saying "Wanted A Large Amount Of Inner Potential". myBiochemistry

#biology #chemistry #biochemistry

Wired For Statistics Stats Bell Curve Humor Watch

Ad: Wired For Statistics Stats Bell Curve Humor Watch

Statisticians psychologists mathematicians economists and anyone who works with statistics on a daily basis will enjoy this memorable stats humor saying watch featuring the bell curve along with the caption "Wired For Statistics". Make others do a double-take the next time you tell time with a dose of intelligent educational style with this statistical attitude watch! Featuring percentages under the curve along with the normal distribution curve (Gaussian distribution). myStatistics

#wired #statistics #Watch

Remember: Case Fatality Ratio Is Not Same As Cause Table Lamp

Ad: Remember: Case Fatality Ratio Is Not Same As Cause Table Lamp

Inform others of your knowledge of health and disease with this lamp featuring the following epidemiological statement: "Remember: Case Fatality Rate Is Not The Same As Cause-Specific Mortality Rate". Includes equations on how to calculate both ratios. No need to be an epidemiologist to start a conversation with others on how these statistics are frequently mistaken for each other in the greater media when discussing public health issues. myStatistics

#epidemiology #epidemiologist #advice #TableLamp

Just Bean Me Up Bean Anatomy Humor Diagram Scarf

Ad: Just Bean Me Up Bean Anatomy Humor Diagram Scarf

If you love beans and like to eat them you'll enjoy this scarf featuring a cross-cut diagram of a bean seed (dicotyledon) complete with all key components along with the following saying: "Just Bean Me Up". Make others do a double-take on what you are trying to say with a dose of food for thought humor today! myVegetarian

#just #bean #Scarf

Insufficient Storage Inside Brain Anatomy Humor Socks

Ad: Insufficient Storage Inside Brain Anatomy Humor Socks

Let your wry anatomical side shine with this pair of socks featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the following brainy saying: "Insufficient Storage Inside". Make others do a double-take about how much you can remember the next time you wear with this pair of socks! myAnatomy

#insufficient #storage #inside #brain #Socks

Anatomy Of A Builder (Worker Ant Anatomy) T-Shirt

Ad: Anatomy Of A Builder (Worker Ant Anatomy) T-Shirt

Do you like to build stuff? Face it some of nature's finest builders are worker ants. Showcase your wry naturalist side with any of these entomology gifts featuring worker ant anatomy complete with all key labels along with the caption "Anatomy Of A Builder". Make others do a double-take at what you mean with any of these educational scientific gifts today! myAnatomy

#worker #entomology #TShirt

Warning! Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Inside Medical Serving Tray

Ad: Warning! Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Inside Medical Serving Tray

Let your wry medical and anatomical side shine with this serving tray featuring hand anatomy from the medical textbook Gray's Anatomy along with the following saying for someone who writes types or clicks too much: "Warning! Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Inside". Great serving tray for anyone with carpal tunnel syndrome! myAnatomy

#warning #carpal #tunnel #syndrome #ServingTray

Obsessive Compulsive Bridge Disorder (OCBD) Mouse Pad

Ad: Obsessive Compulsive Bridge Disorder (OCBD) Mouse Pad

Are you obsessive about bridge? Do you have obsessive compulsive bridge disorder? Look no further than this mousepad which celebrate your compulsive neurological side with a dose of duplicate bridge attitude fun! Featuring the four card suits along with the saying "Obsessive Compulsive Bridge Disorder". Warn others about what afflicts you the next time you play at the bridge table! myBridge

#obsessive #compulsive #MousePad

Hard Work Is In My DNA Molecular Biology Humor Fleece Blanket

Ad: Hard Work Is In My DNA Molecular Biology Humor Fleece Blanket

Showcase your wry DNA replication sense of humor with this fleece blanket featuring the saying "Hard Work Is In My DNA". Make others do a double-take about where you get your hard worker nature from with a dose of genetics attitude today with this fleece blanket! myDna

#hard #work #FleeceBlanket

Decoding Life Is What Genetics Is All About T-Shirt

Ad: Decoding Life Is What Genetics Is All About T-Shirt

No need to be a molecular biologist or geneticist to enjoy wry scientific attitude with this tee featuring DNA replication along with the following scientific truism saying: "Decoding Life Is What Genetics Is All About". Make others do a double-take at what the subject of genetics is all about with a dose of educational fun! myDna

#decoding #life #what #genetics #TShirt

History Of Earth (Geological Time) Towel

Ad: History Of Earth (Geological Time) Towel

If you think about how long Earth has been in existence you'll enjoy any of these earth science geological time clock gifts featuring "History Of Earth" -- from more than 4 billions years ago to the present. Make others do a double-take about how long Earth has supported life with any of these educational scientific attitude gifts! myGeology

#history #earth #geological #Towel

When Thinking Universe Realize It's Dark Out There T-Shirt

Ad: When Thinking Universe Realize It's Dark Out There T-Shirt

No need to be an astronomer or astrophysicist to enjoy wry geek humor with any of these gifts featuring the hypothesized percentages of dark energy and dark matter in the Universe. Comes with the tongue-in-cheek saying: "When Thinking About The Universe I Realize That It's Pretty Dark Out There". Word-play gifts on the concept of dark for all! myPhysics

#when #thinking #about #universe #TShirt

What Wavelength Are You On? Psyche Geek Humor Napkins

Ad: What Wavelength Are You On? Psyche Geek Humor Napkins

No need to be a physicist to understand atmospheric electromagnetic transmittance with a dose of wry geek humor on this psychological psper napkin which featuring the common rhetorical question: "What Wavelength Are You On?" Memorable ice-breaker paper napkin for anyone who converses with other people and who finds that one is frequently having a different conversation that one had expected! Classic geek humor attitude paper napkin for your next event or gathering. myPhysics

#what #wavelength #Napkins

Improve Your Cognition Play Chess (Chess Set) Face Shield

Ad: Improve Your Cognition Play Chess (Chess Set) Face Shield

Chess attitude face shield for anyone who plays chess to improve cognitive ability. Featuring reflective chess set along with the saying "Improve Your Cognition Play Chess". No need to be an avid chess player or chess teacher to enjoy! myChess

#play #chess #advice #FaceShield

Atmospheric Electromagnetic Transmittance Bandana

Ad: Atmospheric Electromagnetic Transmittance Bandana

No need to be a physicist or atmospheric scientist to enjoy educational definitional scientific attitude bandana featuring "Atmospheric Electromagnetic Transmittance". Make others do a double-take with a dose of electromagnetism attitude with this bandana for anyone who understands how our wireless world works! myPhysics

#field #Bandana

Warning! Neural Circuitry Inside (Neuron Synapse) Jigsaw Puzzle

Ad: Warning! Neural Circuitry Inside (Neuron Synapse) Jigsaw Puzzle

No need to be a neurologist to know that you have delicate neural circuitry inside of you. Provide others with a tongue-in-cheek biology humor warning with this puzzle that says: "Warning! Neural Circuitry Inside". Educational scientific attitude design for anyone with neurons! myAnatomy

#inside #synapse #neuron #JigsawPuzzle

Vegetables Are A Must On A Diet Pile Of Vegetables Fabric

Ad: Vegetables Are A Must On A Diet Pile Of Vegetables Fabric

If you love to eat vegetables for dessert you can showcase your vegetarian attitude the next time you create and make items with this fabric featuring a pile of vegetables along with the tongue-in-cheek vegetarian saying: "Vegetables Are A Must On A Diet - Have Some Carrot Cake Zucchini Bread & Pumpkin Pie". Memorable vegetarian humor fabric for anyone on a diet - or who desires a vegetarian dessert diet! myVegetarian

#zucchini #bread #pumpkin #Fabric

Keep The Neurons Firing Play Bridge Advice Humor 3 Ring Binder

Ad: Keep The Neurons Firing Play Bridge Advice Humor 3 Ring Binder

No matter what your age or level of experience you'll enjoy this bridge humor binder featuring the four card suits and the following bridge advice: "Keep The Neurons Firing Play Bridge". Make others do a double-take at what the game of bridge does to a person with wry quirky bridge player humor with this binder! myBridge

#bridge #duplicate #3RingBinder

Normal Is My State Of Mind Bell Curve Stats Humor Face Mask

Ad: Normal Is My State Of Mind Bell Curve Stats Humor Face Mask

No need to be a statistician or psychologist to enjoy wry stats humor with this cotton/polyester face mask featuring the bell curve (normal distribution curve) along with the following saying: "Normal Is My State Of Mind". Great tongue-in-cheek statistical attitude cotton/polyester face mask for anyone who does hypothesis testing or has a normal state of mind! myStatistics

#statistics #stats #statistician #FaceMask

Be Social Play Bridge Four Card Suits Advice Throw Pillow

Ad: Be Social Play Bridge Four Card Suits Advice Throw Pillow

Make others do a double-take with a dose of social bridge humor with this throw pillow featuring the four card suits and the saying "Be Social Play Bridge". Sound bridge advice throw pillow for any bridge player who loves to play the social game of bridge! myBridge

#bridge #advice #saying #ThrowPillow

Institutional Behavior Does Not Look Like This Face Mask

Ad: Institutional Behavior Does Not Look Like This Face Mask

Social scientific attitude is alive and well on this cotton/polyester face mask featuring linear least squares (i.e. linear regression) on a graph along with the social science truism "Unfortunately Institutional Behavior Does Not Look Like This". Make others do a double-take on how institutions truly are with this memorable stats saying cotton/polyester face mask today! myStatistics

#linear #regression #statistician #FaceMask

Always Test Your Hypothesis Bell Curve Humor Socks

Ad: Always Test Your Hypothesis Bell Curve Humor Socks

Statisticians and psychologists will enjoy this pair of socks featuring the bell curve (normal distribution curve) along with the caption that provides sound advice for those who work with stats: "Always Test Your Hypothesis". myStatistics

#always #test #your #hypothesis #Socks

Happiness Molecule Inside Serotonin Chemistry Mouse Pad

Ad: Happiness Molecule Inside Serotonin Chemistry Mouse Pad

Showcase your wry and inspirational chemical side with this mousepad featuring the ball-and-stick model of the serotonin chemical molecule along with the saying "Happiness Molecule Inside". Serotonin is often called the "happiness molecule" because it influences one's mood. myBiochemistry

#happiness #molecule #inside #serotonin #MousePad

Do Not Be Fearful Or Greedy Play Duplicate Bridge Throw Pillow

Ad: Do Not Be Fearful Or Greedy Play Duplicate Bridge Throw Pillow

Showcase your wry duplicate bridge attitude with this throw pillow featuring the four card suits along with the following sound bridge advice: "Do Not Be Fearful Or Greedy When You Play Duplicate Bridge". Memorable bridge humor saying throw pillow for any duplicate bridge player! myBridge

#fearful #ThrowPillow

Hypothesis Tester Inside Stats Humor Face Mask

Ad: Hypothesis Tester Inside Stats Humor Face Mask

Psychologists and statisticians who engage in hypothesis testing will enjoy this cotton/polyester face mask featuring the bell curve (normal distribution curve Gaussian curve) along with the saying "Hypothesis Tester Inside". Showcase your wry stats side with a dose of statistical attitude today with this cotton/polyester face mask! myStatistics

#gaussian #curve #bell #FaceMask