Tuesday, April 06, 2021

Proof Of The Bid Is Playing Of Hand Bridge Humor Bath Mat

Ad: Proof Of The Bid Is Playing Of Hand Bridge Humor Bath Mat

Make others do a double-take with this bath mat featuring a twist on old saying "The proof of the pudding is in the eating". Featuring the four card suits along with the following bridge / duplicate bridge saying: "The Proof Of The Bid Is In The Playing Of The Hand". If you have ever been puzzled over a bid that your partner has made you'll enjoy this bridge saying bathmat for the next time you step into or out of the bathtub or shower! myBridge

#bridge #hand #proof #BathMat

Proof Of The Bid Is Playing Of Hand Bridge Humor Serving Tray

Ad: Proof Of The Bid Is Playing Of Hand Bridge Humor Serving Tray

Make others do a double-take at the bridge table with this serving tray featuring a twist on old saying "The proof of the pudding is in the eating". Featuring the four card suits along with the following bridge / duplicate bridge saying: "The Proof Of The Bid Is In The Playing Of The Hand". If you have ever been puzzled over a bid that your partner has made you'll enjoy this bridge attitude serving tray that will make other bridge players stop and wink! myBridge

#bridge #hand #proof #ServingTray

Monday, April 05, 2021

Precisely Sedimental Inside (Grand Canyon) Coffee Mug

Ad: Precisely Sedimental Inside (Grand Canyon) Coffee Mug

No need to be a geologist or earth scientist to enjoy this wry geological attitude mug featuring Grand Canyon stratigraphy along with the double-entendre saying "Precisely Sedimental Inside" (meaning "Precisely Sentimental Inside"). No matter what you feel make others take a closer look at what you are trying to convey with this scientific word play mug! myGeology

#geek #rocks #geology #CoffeeMug

Geological Time Rocks! (Geological Age) Notebook

Ad: Geological Time Rocks! (Geological Age) Notebook

No need to be a geologist or earth scientist to enjoy this notebook featuring Earth's history in geological time in a spiral along with the saying "Geological Time Rocks!" Includes labels of the main eons epochs and periods. Make others do a double-take of geological time with this geek humor notebook! No need to be a rock hound to enjoy! myGeology

#paleontology #paleontologist #time #Notebook

Running On The Krebs Cycle (Science Humor) Jacket

Ad: Running On The Krebs Cycle (Science Humor) Jacket

Showcase your wry biochemical geek sense of humor when you step out in this fleece zip jogger featuring the Krebs cycle (also known as the citric acid cycle tricarboxylic acid cycle) along with the following saying: "Running On The Krebs Cycle (Literally & Figuratively)". Make others do a double-take on what you run on the next time you exercise in this fleece zip jogger! myBiochemistry

#tricarboxylic #acid #cycle #Jacket

Just Call Me Statistically Significant White Cotton Face Mask

Ad: Just Call Me Statistically Significant White Cotton Face Mask

No need to be a statistician to enjoy wry statistical humor with this cotton face mask featuring the normal distribution curve (bell curve Gaussian curve) along with the tongue-in-cheek saying "Just Call Me Statistically Significant". Memorable stats attitude cotton face mask for anyone who engages in hypothesis testing and knows that one is statistically significant! myStatistics

#normal #distribution #curve #statistics #WhiteCottonFaceMask

Think Genes Not Memes (DNA Replication) Coffee Mug

Ad: Think Genes Not Memes (DNA Replication) Coffee Mug

Showcase wry DNA replication humor with a dose of educational scientific attitude with any of these gifts featuring the saying "Think Genes Not Memes". Comes with detailed diagram of DNA replication complete with leading and lagging strands. Make others do a double-take with a dose of genetic linguistic fun with these unforgettable advice gifts! No need to be a biologist or geneticist to enjoy! myDna

#biology #biologist #linguist #CoffeeMug

Gene-Culture Coevolution Inside DNA Replication Metal Sign

Ad: Gene-Culture Coevolution Inside DNA Replication Metal Sign

Showcase your wry DNA replication sense of humor with this metal parking sign featuring DNA replication along with the following molecular biology / environment saying: "Gene-Culture Coevolution Inside". myDna

#genes #humor #words #MetalSign

Play Chess Where One Can Go Pawn To Queen Metal Sign

Ad: Play Chess Where One Can Go Pawn To Queen Metal Sign

Showcase your wry attitude toward the game of chess with this metal parking sign featuring a reflective chess set along with the following quirky chess truism saying "Play Chess It's The Only Game Where One Can Go From Pawn To Queen". Memorable metal parking sign for any avid chess player! myChess

#chess #saying #play #MetalSign

Always Keep Your Next Move To Yourself Chess Humor Face Mask

Ad: Always Keep Your Next Move To Yourself Chess Humor Face Mask

Let your wry chess attitude shine with this cotton/polyester face mask featuring a reflective chess set along with the chess saying "Always Keep Your Next Move To Yourself". Sound and humorous chess advice cotton/polyester face mask for any chess player who follows the rules of the game! myChess

#chess #reflective #FaceMask

Life Is Like A Game Of Chess Changing Each Move Throw Pillow

Ad: Life Is Like A Game Of Chess Changing Each Move Throw Pillow

Showcase your wry chess player attitude with this throw pillow featuring a reflective chess set along with the following chess saying that will make others do a double-take on the similarities between the game of chess and the game of life: "Life Is Like A Game Of Chess Changing With Each Move". Great throw pillow for any avid chess player! myChess

#chess #attitude #ThrowPillow

Never Underestimate Your Opponents (Chess Set) T-Shirt

Ad: Never Underestimate Your Opponents (Chess Set) T-Shirt

Do you opponents underestimate your abilities as a chess player? Showcase your wry chess player attitude with a dose of sound chess advice with this t-shirt featuring a reflective chess set along with the saying "Never Underestimate Your Opponents". myChess

#chess #reflective #TShirt

Running On The Krebs Cycle (Science Humor) Adult Apron

Ad: Running On The Krebs Cycle (Science Humor) Adult Apron

Biochemistry is a part of us whether or not you are a runner. Showcase your intelligent witty sense of science humor with any of these Krebs cycle gifts that includes the saying "Running On The Krebs Cycle (Literally & Figuratively)". Perfect gifts for those who understand the importance of the citric acid cycle (also known as tricarboxylic acid cycle) in order to have energy and function throughout the day! myBiochemistry

#tricarboxylic #acid #cycle #AdultApron

Just Generating A Form Of Usable Energy (Krebs) Coffee Mug

Ad: Just Generating A Form Of Usable Energy (Krebs) Coffee Mug

Tongue-in-cheek biochemistry attitude comes alive on any of these gifts featuring the Krebs cycle also known as the citric acid cycle (TCAC) or the tricarboxylic acid cycle. Wry scientific truism says it all: "Just Generating A Form Of Usable Energy". Anyone who generates ATP from their cells via the Krebs cycle -- and that means you! -- will enjoy these biology / biochemistry attitude gifts! myBiochemistry

#citric #acid #cycle #krebs #CoffeeMug

Statistical Lover Inside (Bell Curve) T-Shirt

Ad: Statistical Lover Inside (Bell Curve) T-Shirt

Do you love statistics? Are you in love with statistics as a discipline? Showcase your wry geek sense of statistical humor with this t-shirt featuring the bell curve distribution (normal distribution curve Gaussian distribution) along with the saying "Statistical Lover Inside" in Love Letters font. Make others do a double-take at what you truly mean with a dose of tongue-in-cheek statistics humor today! myStatistics

#statistics #bell #curve #TShirt

Create A Sustainable World Go Vegetarian T-Shirt

Ad: Create A Sustainable World Go Vegetarian T-Shirt

Vegetarian and vegans will enjoy this tee featuring a pile of vegetables along with the saying "Create A Sustainable World Go Vegetarian". myVegetarian

#create #sustainable #world #TShirt

Keeping The Bidding Alive Redouble 4 Card Suits Planner

Ad: Keeping The Bidding Alive Redouble 4 Card Suits Planner

No need to be a bridge teacher to enjoy this informative bridge attitude planner featuring the four card suits along with the saying "Keeping The Bidding Alive Redouble". Make others do a double-take on the what the function of a redouble is in the great game of bridge today with this planner! myBridge

#redouble #bridge #advice #Planner

Ant Worker Morphology (Worker Ant Entomology) Beverage Coaster

Ad: Ant Worker Morphology (Worker Ant Entomology) Beverage Coaster

Entomologists biologists and ecologists will enjoy any of these scientific educational gifts featuring "Ant Worker Morphology". Diagram shows all of the key anatomical parts of a worker ant complete with labels. Make others do a double-take the anatomical intricacies of an ant with any of these gifts! Great gifts for anyone feeling like a worker ant. myAnatomy

#worker #morphology #entomology #BeverageCoaster

635 013 559 600 Total Number Possible Bridge Hands Business Card

Ad: 635 013 559 600 Total Number Possible Bridge Hands Business Card

Bridge teachers and avid bridge players will enjoy introducing themselves with this business card featuring the four card suits along with the saying "635 013 559 600 Total Number Of Possible Bridge Hands". Make others do a double-take at the possible number of bridge hand combinations that there are when playing the great game of bridge! myBridge

#billion #combinations #words #BusinessCard

Are You Hungry For Bridge? (Four Card Suits) Round Clock

Ad: Are You Hungry For Bridge? (Four Card Suits) Round Clock

Ask yourself and others this key question -- often considered a rhetorical question for anyone who goes to bridge tournaments: "Are You Hungry For Bridge?" Memorable bridge rhetorical query clock featuring the four card suits and the query that most bridge players will say "Yes" to after spending some time away from the game! Perfect clock for any bridge player who loves to play bridge! myBridge

#four #card #suits #RoundClock

Sow The Seed Of Kindness (Dicotyledon Bean Seed) Business Card

Ad: Sow The Seed Of Kindness (Dicotyledon Bean Seed) Business Card

Are you distributing kind thoughts to anyone you meet? Showcase your wry scientific attitude the next time you introduce yourself with any of these business cards featuring the anatomy of a bean seed (dicotyledon) along with the saying "Sow The Seed Of Kindness". Make others do a double-take about what you are doing today! Perfect business card for any volunteer doing good works! myAnatomy

#seed #BusinessCard

Take Time To Play Bridge (Four Card Suits)

Ad: Take Time To Play Bridge (Four Card Suits)

Bridge teachers and avid bridge players will enjoy introducing themselves with this business card featuring the four card suits along with the saying "Take Time To Play Bridge". Memorable business cards for all who play bridge! myBridge

#take #time #play #bridge

Just Pay Attention (Neuron / Synapse) Business Card

Ad: Just Pay Attention (Neuron / Synapse) Business Card

Showcase your wry anatomical and biological sense of humor the next time you introduce yourself with any of these business cards featuring a neuron / synapse along with the saying "Just Pay Attention". Customizable business cards for anyone who wants to provide sound advice to others with a short attention span! myAnatomy

#just #attention #neuron #BusinessCard

Wanted A Partner With A Good Hand Four Card Suits Notebook

Ad: Wanted A Partner With A Good Hand Four Card Suits Notebook

Bridge attitude is alive and well on this notebook featuring the four card suits along with the following saying that is often heard around partnership desks at bridge tournaments: "Wanted A Partner With A Good Hand". myBridge

#bridge #humor #words #Notebook

Relaxing Is In My DNA (DNA Replication) Large Tote Bag

Ad: Relaxing Is In My DNA (DNA Replication) Large Tote Bag

If you love to relax showcase your wry molecular biology attitude with any of these gifts featuring DNA replication along with the saying "Relaxing Is In My DNA". myDna

#genes #humor #words #LargeToteBag