Saturday, April 03, 2021

Gene-Culture Evolution Inside DNA Replication Bath Mat

Ad: Gene-Culture Evolution Inside DNA Replication Bath Mat

Showcase your wry DNA replication sense of humor with this bath mat featuring DNA replication along with the following molecular biology / environment saying: "Gene-Culture Coevolution Inside". Memorable bathmat for anyone who thinks about genes and memes or the interplay between genetics and environmental factors. myDna

#genes #humor #words #BathMat

Resilient Genes Inside DNA Replication Humor Bath Mat

Ad: Resilient Genes Inside DNA Replication Humor Bath Mat

If you have lots of resilience perhaps you attribute this fact to your genetic disposition. Showcase your wry molecular biology attitude with this bath mat featuring DNA replication along with the saying "Resilient Genes Inside" the next time you step into or out of the bathtub or shower! myDna

#resilience #words #unwords #BathMat

Environmentalist DNA Inside DNA Replication Round Clock

Ad: Environmentalist DNA Inside DNA Replication Round Clock

Are you an environmentalist? Friend of all things ecological? Showcase your wry molecular biology sense of humor with a dose of genetic attitude with this clock featuring DNA replication along with the saying "Environmentalist DNA Inside". myDna

#genes #environmental #words #RoundClock

Earth's Carbon Cycle (Earth Science) Placemat

Ad: Earth's Carbon Cycle (Earth Science) Placemat

No need to be an earth scientist to understand "Earth's Carbon Cycle". Earth scientists atmospheric scientists biologists and geologists will enjoy these informative educational scientific gifts featuring Earth's carbon cycle complete with caption on the number of gigatons per year from different sources. myGeology

#earths #carbon #cycle #geology #Placemat

Pawn Promotion Often Decides The Result Of Endgame Fabric

Ad: Pawn Promotion Often Decides The Result Of Endgame Fabric

Showcase your wry chess player attitude the next time you create and make items with this fabric featuring a reflective chess set along with the following chess saying that chess players will agree with: "Pawn Promotion Often Decides The Result Of An Endgame". myChess

#often #decides #result #Fabric

I Love To Check My Opponents Chess Player Saying Fabric

Ad: I Love To Check My Opponents Chess Player Saying Fabric

Chess players will enjoy this wry chess attitude fabric featuring a reflective chess set along with the following saying in Love Letters font: "I Love To Check My Opponents". Make others do a double-take at your favorite move in the game of chess besides checkmate with this fabric the next time you create! myChess

#love #check #Fabric

Vegetarians Do It With Vegetables (Humor) T-Shirt

Ad: Vegetarians Do It With Vegetables (Humor) T-Shirt

If you are a vegetarian you'll enjoy this tee featuring a pile of vegetables along with the truism vegetarian saying "Vegetarians Do It With Vegetables". Subtle suggestive vegetarian humor t-shirt for anyone who eats vegetables and has fun making others wonder exactly is being said! myVegetarian

#vegetarian #vegetarians #TShirt

Particle Physicist Inside (Standard Model Higgs) Two-Tone Coffee Mug

Ad: Particle Physicist Inside (Standard Model Higgs) Two-Tone Coffee Mug

If you are a particle physicist you'll enjoy any of these gifts featuring the Standard Model of the Higgs field along with the saying "Particle Physicist Inside". Includes quarks leptons and the Higgs boson particles. Make others do a double-take with a dose of tongue-in-cheek educational scientific humor today! myPhysics

#particle #physicist #inside #TwoToneCoffeeMug

Vegetarians Do It With Vegetables (Humor) T-Shirt

Ad: Vegetarians Do It With Vegetables (Humor) T-Shirt

If you are a vegetarian you'll enjoy this tee featuring a pile of vegetables along with the truism vegetarian saying "Vegetarians Do It With Vegetables". Subtle suggestive vegetarian humor t-shirt for anyone who eats vegetables and has fun making others wonder exactly what is meant! myVegetarian

#vegetarian #vegetarians #TShirt

Physics Is Phun (Fun) Schrödinger's Cat Experiment Round Clock

Ad: Physics Is Phun (Fun) Schrödinger's Cat Experiment Round Clock

Quantum physics phun for all who think about quantum mechanics on this memorable clock featuring the infamous paradox of Schrödinger's cat. Entanglement and Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics humor at its best. No need to be a quantum physicist to enjoy! myPhysics

#physics #phun #quantum #RoundClock

Here's What I Would Call Well-Defined Muscles Round Clock

Ad: Here's What I Would Call Well-Defined Muscles Round Clock

Educational scientific attitude is alive and well on any of these gifts featuring the main muscles of the human body (torso and legs) along with the following saying: "Here's What I Would Call Well-Defined Muscles". Make others do a double-take at their own muscle anatomy today! myAnatomy

#humor #muscles #words #RoundClock

If You Can't Hear What I Am Saying (Ear Anatomy) Business Card

Ad: If You Can't Hear What I Am Saying (Ear Anatomy) Business Card

Otolaryngologists and audiologists will enjoy introducing themselves with these customizable business cards featuring an anatomical diagram of the human ear along with the following saying that will make others do a double-take the next time you have a conversation with them: "If You Can't Hear What I Am Saying It's Time To Get Your Hearing Checked". myAnatomy

#cant #hear #BusinessCard

Will Play Duplicate Bridge For Food Card Suits Paper Napkins

Ad: Will Play Duplicate Bridge For Food Card Suits Paper Napkins

Host your next bridge party or event with a dose of wry duplicate bridge humor with these customizable paper napkins featuring the four card suits along with the following bridge saying that any avid duplicate bridge player will enjoy: "Will Play Duplicate Bridge For Food". Memorable bridge attitude paper napkins for your next bridge event! myBridge

#duplicate #bridge #game #PaperNapkins

Always Remember To Pull Trump Bridge Game Advice Trifold Wallet

Ad: Always Remember To Pull Trump Bridge Game Advice Trifold Wallet

Bridge players of all skill levels will enjoy this wallet featuring the timeless bridge maxim "Always Remember To Pull Trump" along with the four card suits. Provide others with sound advice at the bridge table with a dose of bridge attitude today with this bridge saying wallet! myBridge

#bridge #game #lifemaster #TrifoldWallet

Play Bridge For A Sharper Mind (Four Card Suits) Notebook

Ad: Play Bridge For A Sharper Mind (Four Card Suits) Notebook

Showcase your wry bridge attitude with a dose of mental sharpness with this notebook featuring the four card suits along with the following sound bridge advice: "Play Bridge For A Sharper Mind". myBridge

#play #bridge #Notebook

Wanted A Bridge Partner Who Plays At My Level Trivet

Ad: Wanted A Bridge Partner Who Plays At My Level Trivet

If you have ever partnered with another bridge player and found it to be a mismatch you'll enjoy this wry bridge saying trivet featuring the four card suits (heart club diamond spade) along with the truism saying "Wanted A Bridge Partner Who Plays At My Level". Showcase your needs in the game of bridge with a dose of bridge attitude with this memorable bridge saying trivet! myBridge

#duplicate #bridge #plays #Trivet

Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) Geology Volcano Round Clock

Ad: Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) Geology Volcano Round Clock

Geological attitude gifts featuring the volcanic explosivity index (VEI) for all who study volcanoes. Index features disruptive events that volcanoes have caused on Earth. Educational and scientific fun for all; no need to be a volcanologist or earth scientist or geologist to enjoy! myGeology

#volcanoes #educational #RoundClock

Friday, April 02, 2021

Winning At Bridge Requires Common System 4 Suits Throw Blanket

Ad: Winning At Bridge Requires Common System 4 Suits Throw Blanket

Showcase your wry bridge attitude with a dose of sensible bridge advice with this throw blanket featuring the four card suits along with the truism saying "Winning At Bridge Requires A Common System". No need to be an avid bridge player or bridge teacher to enjoy! myBridge

#bridge #humor #advice #ThrowBlanket

Just Having A Normal Day Statistics Geek Humor Fabric

Ad: Just Having A Normal Day Statistics Geek Humor Fabric

Are you just having a normal day? Showcase your wry sense of statistical humor the next time you create with this fabric featuring the normal distribution curve along with the saying "Just Having A Normal Day". Educational psychological stats attitude fabric for anyone who has a normal day from time to time! myStatistics

#nerd #words #unwords #Fabric

Spiral Of Geological Time (Earth's History Spiral) Coffee Mug

Ad: Spiral Of Geological Time (Earth's History Spiral) Coffee Mug

Showcase the "Spiral Of Geological Time" with any of these gifts that feature Earth's history along a spiral. Take a closer look at eons epochs and periods such as when the dinosaurs flourished. Memorable geological age gifts for all who enjoy learning about Earth's history! myGeology

#geologist #geology #earths #CoffeeMug

World Geological Provinces World Map Geology Trivet

Ad: World Geological Provinces World Map Geology Trivet

Geologists and earth scientists will enjoy this trivet featuring a map of the world's geologic provinces spatial entities with common geologic or geomorphic attributes. Map is by the United States Geology Survey. Educational scientific trivet for anyone who appreciates Earth's geological provinces! myGeology

#fold #belt #geology #Trivet

This Machine Powered By Oxidative Phosphorylation Coffee Mug

Ad: This Machine Powered By Oxidative Phosphorylation Coffee Mug

Showcase your biochemical side with this cellular respiration humor mug featuring the saying "This Machine Is Powered By Oxidative Phosphorylation". Make others do a double-take when you let them know exactly where you get your energy from with this ATP energy mug! myBiochemistry

#energy #oxidative #CoffeeMug

I Am 99.7% Confident Fall Within 3 Standard Dev Metal Sign

Ad: I Am 99.7% Confident Fall Within 3 Standard Dev Metal Sign

Showcase your knowledge of statistics and standard deviation with a dose of educational stats humor with this made-to-order metal sign featuring the bell curve (normal distribution curve Gaussian curve) along with the saying "I Am 99.7% Confident That I Fall Within Three Standard Deviations From The Mean". Memorable statistical attitude metal sign for anyone who falls within three standard deviations from the mean! myStatistics

#statistics #bell #curve #MetalSign

Who Said That I Was Normal? Bell Curve Stats Humor Metal Sign

Ad: Who Said That I Was Normal? Bell Curve Stats Humor Metal Sign

Make others do a double-take with this metal parking sign that says it all: "Who Said That I Was Normal?" Featuring bell curve (Gaussian curve normal distribution curve) complete with percentages. Educational normal stats humor metal sign for anyone -- no need to be a statistician or stats major to enjoy! myStatistics

#stats #statistician #statistics #MetalSign

Genetic Code For Amino Acids (Chart Wheel) T-Shirt

Ad: Genetic Code For Amino Acids (Chart Wheel) T-Shirt

Showcase your educational scientific side with any of these gifts featuring a chart wheel that includes chemical structures and genetic code for many amino acids. Includes legend regarding type of amino acid. "Genetic Code For Amino Acids" gifts for any biologist or molecular biologist! myDna

#genetic #code #amino #acids #TShirt