Sunday, April 05, 2015

Facilitator Inside (Facilitated Diffusion) Silver Finish Cuff Links

tagged with: facilitator inside, mediator, facilitator, facilitated diffusion, cell membrane, protein, biology, humor, geek, words and unwords, molecules, chemistry, biochemistry, cell biologist, biologist, biochemist, scientist, attitude, saying, lifestyle

Make others do a double-take with a dose of wry scientific attitude the next time you wear these cufflinks featuring facilitated diffusion along with the saying "Facilitator Inside". Classic cell biology geek attitude cufflinks for all who facilitate!

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Life Is Nothing But A Tasty Matter Of Pi (Pi Pie) Wrist Watches

tagged with: life is nothing but a, tasty matter of pi, pi on a pie, pie, geek humor, pi fan, mathematician, words and unwords, saying, mathematical constant, irrational number, humor, truism, funny, life saying, math teacher

Tell time with a dose of existential math geek attitude with this watch featuring pi on a baked pie along with the following pi fan saying: "Life Is Nothing But A Tasty Matter Of Pi".

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This Machine Is Powered By Aspirin (Molecule) Wrist Watches

tagged with: aspirin, molecule, chemistry, acetylsalicylic acid, runner, geek, humor, this machine is powered by, words and unwords, chemical structure, formula, chemist, marathon runner, saying, truism, funny, heart attack survivor, pain killer, attitude, medicine, medical, science, scientific, educational, molecular structure

Showcase your wry chemical molecule attitude the next time you tell time with this watch featuring the acetylsalicyclic acid molecule along with the saying "This Machine Is Powered By Aspirin". Great gift for any runner, triathlete, or heart attack survivor.

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Do You Know Your Colatitude? (Geometry Attitude) Postage Stamps

tagged with: colatitude, astronomy, earth science, earth scientist, query, geometry, sphere, do you know your colatitude, geek, words and unwords, math, geometric, spherical, mathematician, astronomer, question, humor, educational, attitude, science, scientist, latitude, calculation

Showcase your wry geometric attitude the next time you send correspondence with this stamp featuring the following query: "Do You Know Your Colatitude?"

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Morse Matters In The Modern Age (Morse Code) BooginHead Pacifier

tagged with: morse code, international morse code, morse matters, in the modern age, communication, words and unwords, geek, telegraph, 19th century technology, 19th century communication

Do you believe that Morse code matters today? Morse code fans will enjoy any of these gifts featuring International Morse Code and the truism saying "Morse Matters In The Modern Age". Educational modern communication gifts featuring classic 19th century code. Make others do a double-take at the contributions of Samuel Morse in the 21st century!

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Nipponosaurus (Lambeosaurine Hadrosaurid) Lunch Boxes

tagged with: nipponosaurus, dinosaur fan, words and unwords, paleontologist, prehistoric, paleontology, lambeosurine hadrosaurid, extinct, dinosaur, cretaceous period, educational resources, attitude, scientist

Hadrosaurids or duck-billed dinosaurs are members of the family Hadrosauridae. One of lambeosaurines (Lambeosaurinae) had hollow cranial crests or tubes, and were generally less bulky, and included in this subfamily were the Nipponosaurus which existed during the Cretaceous Period. Showcase your prehistoric dinosaur fan side with this lunchbox featuring Nipponosaurus at your next meal!

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Stay In The Moment (Magnetic Quadrupole Moment) SIGG Thermo 0.3L Insulated Bottle

tagged with: stay in the moment, moment, physics, magnetic quadrupole moment, moment physics humor, geek, humor, magnetism, words and unwords, physicist, advice, saying

Showcase your wry physics geek attitude with any of these featuring a magnetic quadrupole moment along with the saying that will make others do a double-take: "Stay In The Moment". Moment humor for all who know how to stay in the moment!

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Covered To The Brim With Skin (Skin Layers) Pillow

tagged with: dermal layers, words and unwords, dermatology, skin, medical, epidermis, dermatologist, medicine, covered to the brim, geek humor

You are covered to the brim with skin. Showcase this wry anatomical scientific truism with this pillow featuring the biology of human skin, complete with all key parts labeled. Make others do a double-take about the epidermis and the other dermal layers with this science humor pillow featuring the saying "Covered To The Brim With Skin"! Medical fun for all; no need to be a dermatologist to enjoy!

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Thomas Edison Restlessness Discontent Progress Wrist Watches

tagged with: thomas edison, entrepreneur, inventor, progress, inspirational, motivational, discontent, restlessness, restlessness is discontent, words and unwords, scientist, engineer, success, restless, quote, quotation, attitude, fail, failure, inspire

Showcase your inspirational and motivational side with this watch featuring a timeless quote by inventor and scientist Thomas Alva Edison. Quote says: "Restlessness is discontent- and discontent is the first necessity of progress. Show me a thoroughly satisfied man- and I will show you a failure." Showcase how discontent is a necessity for progress with this watch! Perfect timepiece gift for scientists, inventors, entrepreneurs, business people, and anyone who understands the connection between restlessness, discontent, and progress!

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Invest Carefully Always Look At The Downside Sign Watch

tagged with: investor, value investor, investing, money, economics, transportation sign, invest carefully, geek, words and unwords, downside of any investment, sign, signage, saying, truism, invest, humor, attitude, investment knowledge, economist, financier, analyst, advice

Investors, particularly value investors, will enjoy telling time with this watch featuring a transportation sign warning of a vehicle going off a bridge or cliff along with the following sound advice at any time of day: "Invest Carefully Always Look At The Downside Of Any Investment".

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I Love To Eat (Android Software Developer Humor) Samsung Galaxy S4 Covers

tagged with: i love to eat, android, robot, bug droid, software developer, itude, geek, humor, coder, programmer, open source, open source code, funny, saying, truism, software engineer, words and unwords, wordsandunwords, computer engineer, software development, development companies

Do you work with Android open source code? Do you love to eat? Show your wry open source software developer sense of humor with any of these gifts featuring an Android robot (bug droid) thinking about cupcake, doughnut, and eclair along with the saying "I Love To Eat". Make others do a double-take at your appetite with a dose of programmer itude today! Note: Portions of this page are modifications based on work ( created and shared by Google and used according to terms described in the Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution License (

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Do You Know Difference Non-Ionizing Ionizing Luggage Tags

tagged with: do you know the difference, non-ionizing radiation, ionizing radiation, radiation, electromagnetic radiation, electromagnetic spectrum, physics, physicist, geek, words and unwords, educational, humor, attitude, query, rhetorical question

Showcase your wry electromagnetic physics sense of humor with any of these educational, scientific gifts featuring the electromagnetic spectrum along with labels for non-ionizing and ionizing radiation. Includes the caption that will make others do a double-take whenever they think about radiation: "Do You Know The Difference Between Non-Ionizing And Ionizing Radiation?"

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College Fjord Prince William Sound Alaska Coffee Mugs

tagged with: picture earth, visible earth, college fjord, inlet, fjord, prince william sound, alaska, nature, landscape, vivid, satellite, photo, imagery, satellite imagery, satellite geography, science, scientist, visual, geography, geographer, words and unwords, attitude, wordsandunwords, wordsunwords

No need to be a fan of fjords to enjoy any of these vivid satellite photo imagery gifts featuring College Fjord of Prince William Sound, Alaska. Memorable scientific Picture Earth geography gifts for all those who love Alaska and its breathtaking landscape -- even from outer space!

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Keep Calm Renal On (Kidney Nephron) Wrist Watches

tagged with: keep calm renal on, renal, geek, kidney, nephron, medical, nephrology, words and unwords, nephrologist, humor, attitude, medicine, advice

Tell time with a dose of wry nephritic attitude with this anatomical, medical humor watch featuring all key parts of a kidney's nephron along with the following sound advice: "Keep Calm Renal On". No need to be a nephrologist to enjoy!

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Problematic Brain Inside (Brain Anatomy) Postage

tagged with: problematic brain inside, brainy saying, saying, brain, brainy, humor, geek, thinker, philosopher, words and unwords, anatomy, anatomical, human brain, different parts of the brain, scientist, scientific, educational, worrier, problematic, problem solver, brain malfunction

Brainy geek humor is alive and well with this stamp featuring the different anatomical parts of the human brain along with the following saying that will make others do a double-take: "Problematic Brain Inside".

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Photosynthesis The Original Green Energy Source Custom Letterhead

tagged with: photosynthesis, chloroplast, light-dependent reaction, the original green energy source, green energy, environmentalist, science humor, geek, biology, words and unwords, biologist, scientist, attitude, educational, saying, truism, science in society

No need to specialize in green energy to realize that, from a scientific perspective, photosynthesis is technically the greenest of all green energy sources. Showcase wry biological humor with any of these gifts featuring the light-dependent reaction of photosynthesis in a chloroplast along with the truism saying "Photosynthesis The Original Green Energy Source". Make others do a double-take about the concept of green energy today!

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Powered By Statistics (Bell Curve Humor) Candy Dish

tagged with: powered by statistics, stats, statistics, bell curve, normal distribution curve, gaussian curve, math, geek, humor, words and unwords, mathematician, statistical, statistician, funny, attitude, psyche, psychology, statistical power, percentages, saying, truism, brain teaser, educational, stats teacher, stats major, education

Are you powered by statistics? Showcase your wry sense of statistical humor with any of these bell curve distribution (normal distribution curve, Gaussian curve) gifts, complete with percentages and the stats truism saying "Powered By Statistics". No need to be a statistician or stats major to enjoy! Memorable educational scientific gifts for all who work with statistics!

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Alchemist Inside (Medieval Alchemy) Customized Letterhead

tagged with: alchemy, alchemist inside, medieval, medieval alchemy, inside, humor, chemistry, turning lead into gold, two-headed person, words and unwords, religion, attitude, chemist, science, scientist, geek, funny, alchemist, methods, techniques

Even if you do not turn lead into gold, chemists and alchemists of all ages will enjoy this medieval alchemy design, with the caption "Alchemist Inside". Gifts for all those who enjoy the scientific religious pursuit of alchemy in modern times!

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Thought Is A Matter Of Synaptic Attention (Neuron) SIGG Thermo 0.3L Insulated Bottle

tagged with: thought is a matter, a matter of synaptic attention, attention, synapse, neuron, neurotransmitter, medical, medicine, words and unwords, science, humor, geek, attitude, saying, truism, educational, psyche, thinker, philosopher, consciousness, synaptic attention, psychologist, biologist

Educational, scientific saying featuring neuron / synapse along with the following truism saying "Thought Is A Matter Of Synaptic Attention". No need to work in the medical or psychological field to understand how thought is produced. Make others do a double-take at any of these thoughtful biological attitude gifts! For all who think!

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Dynamic Electric Machine U.S. Patent Nikola Tesla Tile

tagged with: dynamic electric machine, ac dynamo, alternating current dynamo, tesla, geek, technology historian, electricity, words and unwords, united states patent 390721, machine, electrical engineering, wireless

Fans of wireless and electrical engineering will enjoy any of these gifts featuring Nikola Tesla's infamous AC dynamo patent. Comes with the caption: "Dynamic Electric Machine". Memorable geek attitude gifts for all!

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V-Class Proton Pump (Cellular Membrane) Gift Wrap

tagged with: educational, cell membrane, atp, words and unwords, proton pump, biochemist, mitochondria, v class proton pump, cellular membrane, biology, humor, protons, biochemistry, biologist, membrane protein, geek, attitude, scientist, educational resources

Showcase your wry biological sense of humor with any of these gifts featuring a "V-Class Proton Pump". A proton pump is a membrane protein that is capable of moving protons across the membrane of a cell, mitochondrion, or other subcellular compartment. The proton pump grabs protons from the matrix (the space enclosed by the two membranes) within the organelle and release the protons into the inter-membrane space. Showcase your biochemical pump sense of humor with any of these memorable proton pump gifts!

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Communication In Dits And Dahs (Morse Code) Letterhead Template

tagged with: communication in dits and dahs, samuel morse, morse code, international morse code, communication, words and unwords, geek, humor, telegraph, 19th century communication, attitude, dots, dits, dashes, code, 19th century technology, coder

Make others do a double-take with a dose of 19th century communication humor with any of these gifts featuring International Morse Code along with the saying "Communication In Dits And Dahs". Educational fun for all Morse code fans!

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Life Is A Series Of Attractive & Repulsive Moments SIGG Traveler 1.0L Water Bottle

tagged with: geek, humor, magnetic quadrupole moment, quadrupole moment, magnetism, life is a series, attractive and repulsive moments, magnetic fields, words and unwords, magnets, science, funny, physics, attitude, physicist, scientist, physics teacher, scientific, truism, saying, truisms

Do you find life to be a series of attractive and repulsive moments? Enjoy tongue-in-cheek physics humor with any of these featuring the magnetic quadrupole moment, along with the life truism saying "Life Is A Series Of Attractive & Repulsive Moments". Double-entendre on the word moment for all scientific wordsmiths!

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Thomas Edison Results Invention Pure Simple Quote Letterhead Template

tagged with: inspirational, never once made a discovery, thomas alva edison, all my work was deductive, quote, words and unwords, pure and simple, engineer, genius, thomas edison, research, scientist, experimentation, invent, invention

If you love to invent, you'll enjoy this timeless words of wisdom quote by Thomas Edison, who noted the following: "During all those years of experimentation and research, I never once made a discovery. All my work was deductive, and the results I achieved were those of invention, pure and simple." Showcase the power of invention with any of these inspirational quotable Edison quote gifts!

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Too Much Time On Your Hands? Play Bridge iPhone 4 Case

Do you have too much time on your hands? Showcase your wry sense of wit and wisdom with a dose of bridge attitude with any of these gifts featuring the four card suits along with the rhetorical question that will make all bridge players laugh, smile, and wink: "Too Much Time On Your Hands? Play Bridge". Everyone who's a bridge player will know that you can never devote too much time to playing bridge and that the game of bridge will take up all of your free time so that you won't have any free time remaining!

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da Vinci Ill Praise In A Matter Do Not Understand Skin For The iPhone 4

tagged with: leonardo da vinci, ill if you praise, ill, praise, reprove, human nature, advice, da vinci, worse if you reprove, words and unwords, quote, quotation, renaissance, self-discovery, artist, writer, scientist, inventor, intuition, intuitiveness, psyche, psychology, self-portrait, saying, truism

Understand human nature? Renaissance genius Leonardo da Vinci was a master of self-discovery. Showcase your intuitiveness with any of these quotation gifts featuring a self-portrait of Leonardo da Vinci, along with da Vinci's words of wisdom quote on praise: "You do ill if you praise, and still worse if you reprove in a matter you do not understand." If you praise or reprove in work or in life, you'll enjoy any of these human nature advice quotation gifts!

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Ideal Firm Size: Do You Know Where That Is? Skin For Laptop

tagged with: microeconomics, economics, profit, ideal firm size, ideal firm, economist, lrac, long-run average cost curve, economies of scale, words and unwords, query, question, funny, humor, attitude, social scientist, economics teacher, competition, competitive

No need to be an economics major to appreciate this economics inquiry on any of these gifts. Featuring long-run average cost curve (LRAC), along with the caption "Ideal Firm Size: Do You Know Where That Is?". The ideal firm size is the theoretically most competitive size for any company, in a given industry, at a given time and should ideally correspond with the highest possible per-unit profit. In other words, the ideal firm size is OQ2, where average cost is at its lowest level on the long-run average cost curve. Make others do a double-take with a dose of microeconomics humor with any of these gifts!

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My Wife and My Mother-In-Law (Optical Illusion) Skin For The iPhone 4

tagged with: visual, optical illusion, my wife and my mother-in-law, wife, mother-in-law, illusion, psyche, young woman, old lady, words and unwords, image, portrait, psychologist, psychology, gestalt, phenomenon, humor, attitude, brain teaser, optics, elderly lady, contrast, riddles, brain teasers

Travel with optical illusion style with any of these gifts featuring the infamous gestalt picture of "My Wife & My Mother-In-Law". Just take a close look, and you'll see both women!

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Some People Have A Photographic Memory (Camera) Tile

tagged with: signs, signage, camera, photography, psyche, psychologist, memory, photographic memory, geek, words and unwords, psychology, funny, humor, attitude, saying, joke, film, lifestyle, some people have, they just don't carry any

Funny signage humor gifts for all who have a photographic memory, but just don't carry any film!

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Saturday, April 04, 2015

Software Developers Chess Players Think Android Samsung Galaxy S4 Cover

tagged with: software developers, chess players, think alike, mapping out the future consequences, of each possible move, android, bug droid, words and unwords, geek humor, programmer, software developer, software engineer, software engineering, software development, geek, saying, truism

If you're a software developer working on the Android platform and a chess player, you'll enjoy any of these geek humor gifts featuring Android's Bug Droid with a black chess queen along with the truism saying "Software Developers And Chess Players Think Alike - Mapping Out The Future Consequences Of Each Possible Move". Make others do a double-take with a dose of software geek open source itude today! Note: Portions of this page are modifications based on work ( created and shared by Google and used according to terms described in the Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution License (

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Lorenz Transformation Inside Physics Necklaces

tagged with: theory of relativity, physics, lorenz transformation inside, lorenz transformation, words and unwords, light cone spacetime diagram, physicist, space, time, relative, geek, humor, attitude, inside, relativity

This diagram shows the Lorentz transformations on the Minkowski light cone spacetime diagram for one spatial dimension. The Lorentz transformation or Lorentz-Fitzgerald transformation describes how, according to the theory of special relativity, different measurements of space and time by two observers can be converted into the measurements observed in either frame of reference. Showcase your knowledge of physics with a dose of relativistic attitude with any of these "Lorenz Transformation Inside" gifts! Great educational geek humor gifts for any physicist!

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Global Warming Means More Derechos Tag For Bags

tagged with: global warming means more derechos, global warming, words and unwords, weather, meteorologist, derechos, climate change, meteorology, severe weather, global warming effects

Meteorologists, earth scientists, and weather fans will enjoy any of these educational, scientific gifts featuring the saying "Global Warming Means More Derechos" with serial and progressive derecho diagrams. No need to believe in climate change to enjoy any of these meteorological attitude gifts!

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My Life Just Operates On A Complex Cycle (Krebs) Postage Stamp

tagged with: krebs cycle, citric acid cycle, tricarboxylic acid cycle, biochemistry, atp, geek, humor, complex cycle, my life just operates, words and unwords, biology, chemistry, biologist, chemist, biochemist, science, scientist, attitude, funny, saying, truism, tcac, medical, doctor, nurse, medicine

Tell the truth about your life with a dose of wry biochemical geek humor with these stamps featuring the Krebs cycle (citric acid cycle, tricarboxylic acid cycle) along with the following scientific truism: "My Life Just Operates On A Complex Cycle". Tongue-in-cheek biological humor postage for all who operate on a complex cycle!

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Keep Calm Renal On (Kidney Nephron) Letterhead Design

tagged with: keep calm renal on, renal, geek, kidney, nephron, medical, nephrology, words and unwords, nephrologist, humor, attitude, medicine, advice

No need to be a nephrologist or work in the medical field to enjoy any of these wry anatomical, medical attitude gifts featuring all key parts of a kidney's nephron along with the saying that will make others do a double-take: "Keep Calm Renal On". Get real with a dose of sound medical geek advice today with this science humor design!

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When The Pressure Gets To Me Go Snorkeling Dreams Letterhead Design

tagged with: software developer, i go snorkeling, words and unwords, java's mascot duke, software development, humor, open source, java, geek, software engineer, in my dreams

Showcase your wry open source sense of humor with any of these gifts featuring Java's unofficial mascot Duke snorkeling in a fish tank along with the following saying: "When The Pressure Gets To Me I Go Snorkeling In My Dreams". Make others do a double-take on the type of pressure-filled life that you lead with a dose of geek humor today with these memorable gifts featuring Java's Duke!

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Problematic Brain Inside (Brain Anatomy) 17" Laptop Skins

tagged with: problematic brain inside, brainy saying, saying, brain, brainy, humor, geek, thinker, philosopher, words and unwords, anatomy, anatomical, human brain, different parts of the brain, scientist, scientific, educational, worrier, problematic, problem solver, brain malfunction

Is your brain problematic to you? Showcase your wry and witty sense of anatomical fun with any of these gifts featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the saying "Problematic Brain Inside". Make others do a double-take with a dose of brainy humor today! Makes a perfect gag gift for anyone with a problematic brain or who just can't stop thinking about the problems in the world we live in today!

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Statistics In A Nutshell (Stats Cheat Sheet) T-shirt

tagged with: statistics in a nutshell, stats, statistics, humor, attitude, geek, statistical, normal distribution curve, stats cheat sheet, words and unwords, gaussian curve, z-value, p-value, funny, statistician, mathematician, economist, psychologist, math, saying, truism

Showcase your statistical side with wry stats humor with any of these gifts that includes the normal distribution curve cheat sheet, along with the caption "Statistics In A Nutshell". Excellent conversational piece gifts for budding and experienced statisticians -- or anyone who wants to let others know all about statistics!

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Team Neuroscience (Brain Anatomy Attitude) Notebooks

tagged with: brain, team neuroscience, neuroscientist, neuroscience, brain parts, anatomical, medicine, geek, humor, words and unwords, anatomy, thinker, philosopher, medical, funny, attitude, scientist, neurosurgeon, biology, educational, educational resources, psyche

If you like to think and use your brain, you'll enjoy any of these wry scientific attitude gifts featuring the different brain parts along with the caption "Team Neuroscience". No need to be a neuroscientist, neurologist, or work in the medical field to enjoy! Educational, anatomical brain fun for all!

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Saturn's Rings (Photo Of Saturn Rings) Customized Letterhead

tagged with: saturn, planet saturn, photo of saturn's rings, astronomy, saturn's rings, saturn's rings shadow, words and unwords, astronomer, saturn fan

Showcase your love of planet Saturn with a dose of astronomical attitude with any of these gifts featuring a photo of Saturn's rings along with the caption "Saturn's Rings".

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Earthquakes Are Not My Fault (Plate Tectonics) Letterhead Design

tagged with: earthquakes are not my fault, plate tectonics, world map, tectonic plates, geek, geology, earth science, words and unwords, attitude, saying, geologist, earthquake fan, earth scientists, funny, pun, earthquakes

Showcase your wry geological plate tectonics sense of humor with any of these earth science gifts which geologists and earth scientists -- or anyone who is plate tectonics fan -- will enjoy! Featuring a map of the tectonic plates of the world along with the saying that everyone will agree with: "Earthquakes Are Not My Fault". Educational, scientific seismological fun for anyone who has experienced an earthquake.

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Multipotent Inside (Blood Cell Formation Humor) Decal For The NOOK

tagged with: multipotent inside, multipotency, blood cell formation, health, medicine, hematology, geek, humor, words and unwords, hematologist, polymath, renaissance person, multipotent

Do you have multipotency? Showcase your wry medical and anatomical sense of humor with any of these gifts featuring an illustration from Gray's Anatomy on blood cell formation along with the saying "Multipotent Inside". Great geek humor gift for any polymath or Renaissance person! No need to be working in the healthcare fields to enjoy.

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Grape Knowledge Never Goes Out Of Style 18oz Water Bottle

tagged with: grape knowledge, never goes out of style, grape, berry, anatomy, anatomical, saying, funny, words and unwords, foodie, fruit

No need to be a wine connoisseur to enjoy any of these featuring all of the details of wine grape berry anatomy along with the following saying: "Grape Knowledge Never Goes Out Of Style". Make others do a double-take about the parts of a grape that goes into wine-making today with these grape saying attitude gifts!

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Loose Memory Inside Neuron Synapse Geek Humor Fabric

tagged with: synapse, memory, loose memory inside, biology, psychology, attention deficit disorder, short attention span, words and unwords, dementia, geek humor, neuron, neurotransmitter, psyche, anatomy

Does your memory come and go? No need to have dementia to know that we all experience senior moments from time to time. Let your wry biological attitude shine the next time you create with this fabric featuring all key parts of a neuron / synapse along with the saying "Loose Memory Inside".

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Within A Few Years Simple Inexpensive Device Tesla Candy Dish

tagged with: wireless, nikola tesla, tesla, inventor, scientist, engineer, physics, transmission without wires, father of radio, words and unwords, genius, serbian-american, physicist, alternate currents, geek, attitude, science, electrical engineering, quote, quotation, radio, entrepreneur, technology, wireless technology, fatal impediments, dissemination of intelligence, teacher, communication, inexpensive device, alternating current, electromagnetism

Timeless and prescient quote by wireless genius Serbian-American Nikola Tesla on any of these gifts. Tesla was well ahead of his time when he envisioned today's wireless society. Quote says: "Within a few years a simple and inexpensive device, readily carried about, will enable one to receive no land or sea the principal news, to hear a speech, a lecture, or song or play of a musical instrument, conveyed from any other region of the globe. The invention will also meet the crying need for cheap transmission to great distances, more especially over the oceans. The small working capacity of the cables and the excessive cost of messages are now fatal impediments to the dissemination of intelligence which can only be removed by transmission without wires." Perfect gifts for scientists, inventors, engineers, entrepreneurs, and any advocate of technology, wireless technology, and communication in today's modern world!

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Food Chains Are Part Of The Web Of Life (Ecology) Wallclocks

tagged with: food chains, ocean food chain, land food chain, web of life, food webs, part of the web, words and unwords, biology, ecology, biologist, ecologist, educational, scientific, saying

Showcase your educational, scientific side with any of these gifts featuring two food chains, one on land and one in the ocean, along with the saying "Food Chains Are Part Of The Web Of Life".

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