Saturday, December 13, 2014

Genetic Code For Amino Acids (Chart Wheel) T Shirt

tagged with: genetic code for amino acids,chemical structure,genetics,dna,dna code,words and unwords,scientific,educational,amino acids,code wheel,genetic code,biology,molecular biology,protein synthesis,chart wheel

Showcase your educational, scientific side with any of these gifts featuring a chart wheel that includes chemical structures and genetic code for many amino acids. Includes legend regarding type of amino acid. "Genetic Code For Amino Acids" gifts for any biologist or molecular biologist!

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Stereoscopic Image Pair Nrthn Patagonia Argentina Pullover Sweatshirts

tagged with: geography, geographer, 3-d, visual, satellite, photo, picture earth, northern patagonia, patagonia, argentina, science, scientist, aerial, satellite imagery, plains, mountains, south america, stereoscopic image pair, wordsunwords, wordsandunwords, three dimensional

Geographers and those who enjoy an aerial view will enjoy 3-D visual fun. Featuring a stereoscopic image pair of Northern Patagonia, Argentina. No need to have been to Northern Patagonia Argentina to enjoy any of these vivid Picture Earth satellite photo gifts!

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Pi Irrational And Transcendental Number (Math) Water Bottle

tagged with: pi irrational and transcendental number, math, mathematician, mathematics, math teacher, mathematical constant, geek, humor, irrational and transcendental, words and unwords, attitude, number, scientist, educational, definition of pi, saying, educational resources

No need to be a mathematician to enjoy any of these pi, the mathematical constant, gifts with the truism caption "Irrational And Transcendental Number". Make others do a double-take about the properties of pi as a unique number in the fields of math and science with any of these educational gifts!

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This Machine Is Powered By Testosterone (Molecule) Dry Erase Boards

tagged with: testosterone, educational, chemistry, biochemistry, chemical molecule, steroid, geek, humor, words and unwords, male hormone, medical, hormone, saying, truism, funny, attitude, scientist, chemist

No need to be a chemistry major or work in the medical field or be involved in athletics to enjoy wry chemistry attitude with any of these geek humor gifts featuring the chemical structure of testosterone, the male sex hormone found in both males and females, along with the saying "This Machine Is Powered By Testosterone". Let others do a double-take at this steroid hormone with any of these chemical molecule gifts today!

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The Golden Rectangle (Geometry Math Ratio) Ornaments

tagged with: the golden rectangle, golden rectangle, math, mathematical, mathematician, geometry, proportion, phi, golden ratio, words and unwords, scientific, attitude, humor, geek, math teacher, educational, rectangle, shape, educational resources

No need to be a mathematician to enjoy any of these gifts featuring the golden rectangle, where the side lengths are in the golden ratio. Memorable ratio gifts for all fans of geometry and ratios!

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From Telegraph To Texting Morse Code Never Style Pet ID Tag

tagged with: international morse code, engineer, samuel morse, telegraph, geek, humor, wireless communication, from telegraph to texting, dots and dashes, words and unwords, radio, amateur radio operator, communication, message, attitude, saying, truism, morse code, air traffic controller, technology, language, symbols, symbolic, style, texting, old school texting, pilot, historical, historical communication

Are your familiar with Morse code? Make others do a double-take with any of these educational gifts featuring the International Morse Code, along with the truism saying "From Telegraph To Texting Morse Code Never Goes Out Of Style". As you probably know, Morse code uses a standardized sequence of short and long elements to represent the letters, numerals, punctuation and special characters of a given message. The short and long elements can be formed by sounds, marks, or pulses, in on off keying and are commonly known as "dots" and "dashes" or "dits" and "dahs". No need to be a pilot or amateur radio operator to enjoy timeless communication fun from the 19th century!

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Science Is In My Genes (DNA Replication) Tshirt

tagged with: science is in my genes,genes,genetics,molecular biologist,dna,dna replication,words and unwords,science,scientist,science teacher,molecular biology,geek,humor,attitude,saying

Scientists and molecular biologists alike will enjoy any of these gifts featuring DNA replication along with the saying "Science Is In My Genes". Memorable scientific saying gift for anyone who loves science!

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Life Is A Game Bridge Is Serious (Four Card Suits) Canvas Bags

Bridge players of all ages will enjoy any of these gifts featuring the four card suits along with the often heard saying at the bridge table: "Life Is A Game Bridge Is Serious". Make others do a double-take about how seriously you take the game of bridge with any of these bridge humor saying gifts!

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Friday, December 12, 2014

Equilibrium Is Well-Defined In Theory Not Often Coffee Mug

tagged with: supply-and-demand curve, economics, economist, humor, equilibrium, saying, truism, psyche, psychology, rational behavior, irrational behavior, geek, attitude, words and unwords, wordsandunwords, wordsunwords, money, shopping

If you are frequently not in equilibrium - from an economics and psychological perspective - you'll enjoy any of these supply-and-demand curve gifts featuring the supply-and-demand graph along with the wry economics truism saying: "Equilibrium Is Well-Defined In Theory But Not Often Found In Practice". Memorable gifts for all who seek economic equilibrium but often never find it.

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Warning! Banana Peels Around Me (Sign Humor) Card

tagged with: warning, banana peels around me, banana, slipping on a banana, sign, signage, funny, humor, attitude, advice, saying, words and unwords

Showcase your wry sense of signage humor with any of these gifts featuring a person falling on a banana peel! Comes with the sound warning / advice: "Warning! Banana Peels Around Me". No need to work in a zoo or a grocery store to enjoy any of these fruity signage humor gifts today! Memorable gifts for all who love to eat bananas! Double-entendre humor fun as well!

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Celebrate The Fourth (Android Bug Droid) Candy Dish

tagged with: celebrate the fourth, software developer, software engineer, software engineering, android, bug droid, geek humor, words and unwords, independence day, fourth of july, uncle sam hat, sparkler

Fans of Bug droid will enjoy any of these gifts featuring the Android robot with a Fourth of July Uncle Sam red white and blue hat along with sparkler along with the caption "Celebrate The Fourth". Enjoy the party with a dose of wry geek software developer / software engineer humor! Note: Portions of this page are modifications based on work ( created and shared by Google and used according to terms described in the Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution License (

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Be Powerful (Power Equations) Study Physics Baby Pacifiers

tagged with: be powerful, study physics, physics equations for power, power, physics, physicist, physics teacher, geek, humor, words and unwords, attitude, advice, physics major, joke, saying, equations

No need to be a physicist or physics teacher or physics major to enjoy any of these educational, informative gifts featuring four different equations for power along with the saying "Be Powerful Study Physics". Classic geek humor at its best for all who study physics and are powerful because of their knowledge!

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My Energy A Never-Ending Cycle (Krebs Cycle) Coffee Mug

tagged with: my energy, a never-ending cycle, biochemistry, krebs cycle, energy, energy cycle, tcac, citric acid cycle, tricarboxylic acid cycle, words and unwords, wordsandunwords, geek, humor, scientist, educational, biochemist, funny, attitude, saying, truism, lifestyle

No need to be a biochemist or biologist to enjoy wry scientific humor with any of these gifts featuring the Krebs cycle, also known as the citric acid cycle or tricarboxylic acid cycle. Comes with the scientific truism saying: "My Energy A Never-Ending Cycle". Make others do a double-take on where you get your energy from with a dose of educational attitude with these memorable science humor gifts! Showcase your indefatigable biochemical side!

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Just Being Renal (Kidney Nephron Renal Humor) Display Plaque

tagged with: anatomy, nephron, kidney, medicine, nephrology, gray's anatomy, just being renal, geek, words and unwords, nephrologist, anatomical, medical, doctor, diagram, funny, humor, attitude, saying, word play, just be real word play

Real renal attitude is alive and well on any of these gifts featuring all key parts of a kidney's nephron along with the saying "Just Being Renal". Make others do a double-take with a dose of medical and anatomical humor today! No need to be a nephrologist to enjoy!

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Open Source The Future Is Now Java Duke Time Gate Cover For The iPad Mini

tagged with: time gate, open source, futurist, the future is now, java, duke, programmer, software developer, software engineer, code, computer engineer, geek, funny, humor, attitude, time machine, future, present, time, words and unwords, wordsandunwords, wordsunwords, saying, truism

The next time you surf the web with your iPad showcase your open source time machine side with any of these gifts featuring Java's unofficial mascot Duke going through a time gate, along with the truism saying for all software developers who work with open source code: "Open Source The Future Is Now". Make others do a double-take about what exactly the future will consist of today with any of these geek gifts!

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I Am 99.7% Confident Fall Within 3 Std Deviations Print

tagged with: i am 99.7, confident, statistical confidence, stats, statistics, bell curve, geek humor, saying, statistician, words and unwords, psychologist, economist, funny saying, truism, educational, statistical, percentages under the curve, percentages, math, mathematician, from the mean, averages

Showcase your wry stats geek humor with this bell curve poster featuring percentages under the curve along with the classic stats saying: "I Am 99.7% Confident That I Fall Within 3 Standard Deviations From The Mean". Make others do a double-take with a dose of educational, scientific statistical confidence attitude today!

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635,013,559,600 Total No Of Possible Bridge Hands Mug

tagged with: total number of possible hands,bridge hands,bridge game,duplicate bridge,bridge fact,bridge players,bridge attitude,words and unwords,bridge saying,bridge hand combinations,bridge humor,number of bridge hand combinations,four card suits

Showcase your wry bridge / duplicate bridge side with any of these gifts featuring the four card suits along with the following saying: "635, 013, 559, 600 Total Number Of Possible Bridge Hands". Make others do a double-take at the number of possible combinations amongst 13 cards there truly are once a hand has been dealt! A bridge player will definitely not live to play them all!

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What's Your Orbital Resonance? (Astronomy Humor)

tagged with: astronomy, astronomer, kirkwood gaps, asteroid, orbital resonance, inquiry, main asteroid belt, solar system, what's your orbital resonance, words and unwords, query, question, galactic, astrophysics, astrophysicist, geek, humor, attitude, educational, asteroids, comets, meteors

In celestial mechanics, an orbital resonance occurs when two orbiting bodies exert a regular, periodic gravitational influence on each other, usually due to their orbital periods being related by a ratio of two small integers. Orbital resonances greatly enhance the mutual gravitational influence of the bodies (i.e., their ability to alter or constrain each others' orbits). No need to be an astronomer or astrophysicist to enjoy any of these educational scientific gifts featuring the Kirkwood gaps in the main belt of asteroids along with the query "What's Your Orbital Resonance?" Make others do a double-take on exactly what you are trying to ask with a dose of astronomy geek attitude today!

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Plate Tectonics Earth's Natural Faults (World Map) Tshirt

tagged with: earth science, earth scientist, plate tectonics, earth, world map, earth's natural faults, faults, psyche, geology, seismology, geologist, seismologist, earthquake, geek, attitude, educational, words and unwords, science, scientist, plates of the world, wordsandunwords, educational resources

No need to be a geologist or seismologist or earth scientist to know about plate tectonics. If you've ever been in an earthquake, you'll understand these educational, scientific world map gifts featuring the title and caption "Plate Tectonics - Earth's Natural Faults". Make others do a double-take about exactly where Earth's faults lie with this world map featuring the plates of the Earth!

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Boneheaded Thoughts Inside Hand Towels

tagged with: skull, bones, anatomy, boneheaded thoughts inside, inside, geek, humor, psychology, thinker, words and unwords, anatomical, funny, attitude, science, scientific, medicine, doctor, educational, education, psyche, diagram, philosopher, joke, saying, medical

Do you have boneheaded thoughts inside of your skull? No need to be a skeleton to enjoy this wry scientific anatomical humor design featuring the different parts of the skull, complete with labels. Inform others with tongue-in-cheek skull anatomy attitude that you have "Boneheaded Thoughts Inside" of you with any of these memorable gifts. No need to work in the field of medicine or education to enjoy!

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Understanding Wine Begins With Knowing Wine Grape Mini Speaker

tagged with: attitude, wine, wine lover, wine fan, wine connoisseur, biology, grape berry, wine grape berry anatomy, words and unwords, grape berry anatomy, humor, funny, grape, saying, truism, biologist, anatomical, truisms

If you know your wine grape berries, you'll enjoy intelligent attitude with this anatomical biology of a wine grape, along with the saying: "Understanding Wine Begins With Knowing Wine Grape Berries". No need to be a wine grower to enjoy any of these wine grape berry attitude gifts! Wine connoisseurs with a scientific bent will especially love these wine grape berry anatomy gifts!

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Wizard Of Wireless (Nikola Tesla Nine Pictures) Baby Creeper

tagged with: enigmatic, enigma, nikola tesla, physics, electromagnetism, alternate current, scientist, inventor, engineer, electrical engineer, physicist, wireless, radio, wizard of wireless, tesla, science, geek, humor, attitude, wordsunwords, wordsandunwords, electricity, nine pictures, alternating current, words and unwords, inventors

Wireless genius Nikola Tesla brought us into the modern world with his discoveries and inventions in the electromagnetic field. Often called "Father of the Radio", scientist, engineer and inventor Nikola Tesla technically was the "Wizard Of Wireless" in his time, envisioning today's modern wireless world well ahead of its implementation. Showcase "Wizard Of Wireless" Tesla with any of the like 9 pictures of Nikola Tesla on any of these gifts that puts a different light on Tesla's contributions!

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Genetic Code For Amino Acids (Chart Wheel) Posters

tagged with: genetic code for amino acids, genetic code, codon, amino acids, biology, molecular biology, biologist, molecular biologist, words and unwords, educational, scientific

Educational, scientific poster featuring "Genetic Code For Amino Acids". Includes chemical structure and codon for most amino acids, including legend.

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Stereoscopic Image Pair Nrthn Patagonia Argentina T Shirt

tagged with: geography, geographer, 3-d, visual, satellite, photo, picture earth, northern patagonia, patagonia, argentina, science, scientist, aerial, satellite imagery, plains, mountains, south america, stereoscopic image pair, wordsunwords, wordsandunwords, three dimensional

Geographers and those who enjoy an aerial view will enjoy 3-D visual fun. Featuring a stereoscopic image pair of Northern Patagonia, Argentina. No need to have been to Northern Patagonia Argentina to enjoy any of these vivid Picture Earth satellite photo gifts!

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This Machine Is Powered By Testosterone (Molecule) Candy Jar

tagged with: testosterone, educational, chemistry, biochemistry, chemical molecule, steroid, geek, humor, words and unwords, male hormone, medical, hormone, saying, truism, funny, attitude, scientist, chemist

No need to be a chemistry major or work in the medical field or be involved in athletics to enjoy wry chemistry attitude with any of these geek humor gifts featuring the chemical structure of testosterone, the male sex hormone found in both males and females, along with the saying "This Machine Is Powered By Testosterone". Let others do a double-take at this steroid hormone with any of these chemical molecule gifts today!

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Lost In The Fifth Dimension? (Geometry Cube Humor) Dry-Erase Boards

tagged with: math, geometry, fifth dimension cube, lost in the 5th dimension, geek, humor, attitude, funny, words and unwords, dimensional, saying, educational

Showcase your wry geek attitude with any of these gifts featuring a cube as represented in the fifth dimension along with the following query: "Lost In The Fifth Dimension?" Make others do a double-take with a dose of math and geometry humor today!

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Support The Hardy-Weinberg Principle Practice Water Bottle

tagged with: support the hardy-weinberg principle, practice mating in infinite populations, allele frequencies, genetics, words and unwords, geek, saying, humor, attitude, funny, biology, evolutionary biology, biologist, scientist, hardy-weinberg principle, assumptions

No need to be an evolutionary biologist to enjoy wry geek humor with any of these gifts featuring a graph of two allele frequencies along with the following saying that will make others do a double-take on the Hardy-Weinberg principle: "Support The Hardy-Weinberg Principle Practice Mating In Infinite Populations".

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In Love With My Heartbeat (Electrocardiogram) Magnet

tagged with: in love with my heartbeat, heartbeat, ecg, ekg, electrocardiogram, medical, medicine, attitude, funny, geek, humor, sinus rhythm, words and unwords, science, educational, saying

Are you in love with your heartbeat? Ever desired to know what a heartbeat looks like on an electrocardiogram? Showcase your wry scientific sense of humor with any of these ECG/EKG electrocardiogram gifts featuring the saying "In Love With My Heartbeat" in Love Letters font. Make others do a double-take about why you are in love with your heartbeat with these geek humor gifts!

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The Skin Doctor Is In (Anatomy Dermatology) Water Bottles

tagged with: the skin doctor is in, dermatologist, dermatology, attitude, medical, medicine, anatomy, anatomical, words and unwords, dermal layers, skin, saying

Dermatologists will enjoy any of these gifts featuring all key anatomical parts of the human skin along with the saying that will make others do a double-take: "The Skin Doctor Is In".

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Wait For Several Moments (Quadrupole Moment) Memo Notepad

tagged with: magnetic quadrupole moment, physics, wait for several moments, patience, magnets, magnetism, moment, quadrupole moment, geek, words and unwords, word play, science, scientist, physicist, attitude, advice, lifestyle

If you desire others to wait for several moments, you'll enjoy any of these wry physics humor gifts featuring the magnetic quadrupole moment along with the saying "Wait For Several Moments". Make others do a double-take on the meaning of the word "moment" with any of these word play magnetic humor gifts! No need to be a physicist or scientist to enjoy!

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Don't Want To Go Among Mad People Alice Cheshire iPhone 5 Cases

tagged with: don't want to go, among mad people, alice, wonderland, cheshire cat, john tenniel, lewis carroll, alice's adventures in wonderland, quote, words and unwords, madness, funny, geek, humor, attitude, mad conversation, discovery, psyche, wonderland fan, wonderland adventure

Showcase your wry Wonderland side with any of these gifts featuring the infamous conversation between Alice and the Cheshire Cat as illustrated by John Tenniel in Lewis Carroll's "Alice's Adventures In Wonderland". For all those who don't want to go among mad people, yet discover that they are already mad!

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Bee Geek Inside

tagged with: bee geek inside, bee geek, apiarist, beekeeper, humor, attitude, geek, beekeeping, bee, words and unwords, photorealistic bee

Apiarist and die-hard beekeepers who know everything about bees will enjoy any of these gifts featuring "Bee Geek Inside". Memorable gift for teachers of the art of beekeeping!

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Science Is In My Genes (DNA Replication) Laptop Sleeves

tagged with: science is in my genes, genes, genetics, molecular biologist, dna, dna replication, words and unwords, science, scientist, science teacher, molecular biology, geek, humor, attitude, saying

Showcase your wry scientific side the next time you use this laptop sleeve featuring DNA replication along with the saying "Science Is In My Genes".

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Trust Me I'm Your Partner (Bridge Card Suits) Tee Shirt

Showcase your wry bridge / duplicate bridge attitude with any of these gifts featuring the four card suits along with the following sound bridge advice at any partnership desk: "Trust Me I'm Your Partner".

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Do You Know About Circulation In Macroeconomics? Neckwear

tagged with: savings, labor, labour, investment, taxes, government, economics, economist, the circulation in macroeconomics, query, inquiry, cheat sheet, diagram, macroeconomics, money flows, international, econ, economics teacher, economics major, attitude, humor, geek, wordsunwords, wordsandunwords, business, business major, words and unwords, educational resources

No matter which country you live in, you are affected by macroeconomics, a branch of economics that deals with the performance, structure, and behavior of the economy of the entire community, either a nation, a region, or the entire world. Make others do a double-take with intelligent thought with any of these thought-provoking economics cheat sheet gifts featuring the circulation in macroeconomics. Ask yourself and others the key question: "Do You Know About The Circulation In Macroeconomics" No need to be an economist or economics major to enjoy!

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Watch Out! Banana Peels Ahead (Signage) Postcard

tagged with: sign, signage, warning, person falling on a banana, banana, banana peel, watch out, banana peels ahead, funny, joke, geek, humor, attitude, advice, saying, words and unwords

Do you love to eat bananas to the point of having a lot of banana peels around you? Showcase your banana attitude with a dose of signage humor with any of these gifts featuring a warning sign with a person slipping on a banana. Comes with the humorous warning: "Watch Out! Banana Peels Ahead". Make others do a double-take about the slips that are about to happen with these sign attitude gifts today!

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Power Relationships In Physics (Wheel Chart) Stickers

tagged with: power relationships in physics, illustration, chart wheel, physics, physicist, geek, attitude, educational, words and unwords, equations, humor, power, power relationships, voltage, current, resistance

Showcase your knowledge of the power relationships in physics with any of these gifts featuring a wheel cart of the equations of power, current, voltage, and resistance -- i.e., the "Power Relationships In Physics". No need to be a physics teacher to enjoy wry geek humor today!

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Just Being Renal (Kidney Nephron Renal Humor) Note Pads

tagged with: anatomy, nephron, kidney, medicine, nephrology, gray's anatomy, just being renal, geek, words and unwords, nephrologist, anatomical, medical, doctor, diagram, funny, humor, attitude, saying, word play, just be real word play

Real renal attitude is alive and well on any of these gifts featuring all key parts of a kidney's nephron along with the saying "Just Being Renal". Make others do a double-take with a dose of medical and anatomical humor today! No need to be a nephrologist to enjoy!

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My Energy A Never-Ending Cycle (Krebs Cycle) Tees

tagged with: my energy, a never-ending cycle, biochemistry, krebs cycle, energy, energy cycle, tcac, citric acid cycle, tricarboxylic acid cycle, words and unwords, wordsandunwords, geek, humor, scientist, educational, biochemist, funny, attitude, saying, truism, lifestyle

No need to be a biochemist or biologist to enjoy wry scientific humor with any of these gifts featuring the Krebs cycle, also known as the citric acid cycle or tricarboxylic acid cycle. Comes with the scientific truism saying: "My Energy A Never-Ending Cycle". Make others do a double-take on where you get your energy from with a dose of educational attitude with these memorable science humor gifts! Showcase your indefatigable biochemical side!

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Open Source Martians Inside (Duke Rover) Cover For The iPad Mini

tagged with: open source, open source martians inside, java's duke, rover, martian, space exploration, mars rover, mars landscape, geek humor, software engineer, software developer, programmer, words and unwords

No need to be a fan of Mars to enjoy wry geek humor the next time you surf the web with this iPad case gift featuring Java's unofficial mascot Duke riding a Martian rover -- whether Spirit or Opportunity is up to you! Make others do a double-take about your open source Martian side the next time you surf the web with the saying: "Open Source Martians Inside".

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Reboot Needed (Anatomical Brain Humor) Keychains

tagged with: reboot needed,anatomical brain,brain humor,geek,brain,attitude,humor,anatomy,reboot,words and unwords,computer geek speak,funny,saying,truism,brainy,psyche,psychology,anatomical

Do you need a reboot, now and then? Showcase your wry computer geek speak sense of humor as applied to the anatomical human brain with any of these gifts featuring all key parts of the brain along with the saying "Reboot Needed". Make others do a double-take about how you think and what your brain needs with tongue-in-cheek sense of humor with any of these "Reboot Needed" saying gifts today!

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Life Is A Monty Hall Problem (Three Doors) Mug

tagged with: life is a monty hall,monty hall problem,humor,geek,three doors,open door with goat,statistics,stats,words and unwords,psychologist,statistician,geek humor,attitude,funny,saying,truism

If you know about the infamous "Monty Hall Problem", you'll enjoy any of these gifts featuring three doors, with a goat behind an opened door, along with the truism caption "Life Is A Monty Hall Problem". Make others do a double-take with a dose of statistical, probabilistic attitude toward life with these Monty Hall problem saying gifts!

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What's Your Orbital Resonance? (Astronomy Humor) Kitchen Towel

tagged with: astronomy, astronomer, kirkwood gaps, asteroid, orbital resonance, inquiry, main asteroid belt, solar system, what's your orbital resonance, words and unwords, query, question, galactic, astrophysics, astrophysicist, geek, humor, attitude, educational, asteroids, comets, meteors

In celestial mechanics, an orbital resonance occurs when two orbiting bodies exert a regular, periodic gravitational influence on each other, usually due to their orbital periods being related by a ratio of two small integers. Orbital resonances greatly enhance the mutual gravitational influence of the bodies (i.e., their ability to alter or constrain each others' orbits). No need to be an astronomer or astrophysicist to enjoy any of these educational scientific gifts featuring the Kirkwood gaps in the main belt of asteroids along with the query "What's Your Orbital Resonance?" Make others do a double-take on exactly what you are trying to ask with a dose of astronomy geek attitude today!

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Subduction Leads To Orogeny (Geology Humor) Necktie

tagged with: earthquake, subduction zone, plate tectonics, subduction leads to orogeny, geology, earth science, plate boundaries, words and unwords, geologist, earth scientist, saying, geek, humor, educational

Wry suggestive geological attitude comes alive on any of the geology humor gifts featuring the process of mountain building, orogeny. Gifts featuring the three different plate boundaries along with geology truism saying "Subduction Leads To Orogeny". Make others do a double-take about what you are trying to say with any of these earth science gifts!

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Boneheaded Thoughts Inside Laptop Commuter Bag

tagged with: skull, bones, anatomy, boneheaded thoughts inside, inside, geek, humor, psychology, thinker, words and unwords, anatomical, funny, attitude, science, scientific, medicine, doctor, educational, education, psyche, diagram, philosopher, joke, saying, medical

Do you have boneheaded thoughts inside of your skull? No need to be a skeleton to enjoy this wry scientific anatomical humor design featuring the different parts of the skull, complete with labels. Inform others with tongue-in-cheek skull anatomy attitude that you have "Boneheaded Thoughts Inside" of you with any of these memorable gifts. No need to work in the field of medicine or education to enjoy!

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Be In Your Own Element Think Periodically Reusable Water Bottles

tagged with: be in your own element, think periodically, chemistry, elemental, periodic table of elements, elements, geek, words and unwords, humor, periodically, saying, double-entendre, double meaning, scientific, educational, science humor, think, thinker, advice, scientific advice

Wry and sly Periodic Table of Elements humor is alive and well on any of these double-entendre saying gifts featuring the following advice: "Be In Your Own Element Think Periodically". Make others do a double-take and wonder what you mean with any of these scientific, educational geek humor gifts today!

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Understanding Wine Begins With Knowing Wine Grape Cake Pick

tagged with: attitude, wine, wine lover, wine fan, wine connoisseur, biology, grape berry, wine grape berry anatomy, words and unwords, grape berry anatomy, humor, funny, grape, saying, truism, biologist, anatomical, truisms

If you know your wine grape berries, you'll enjoy intelligent attitude with this anatomical biology of a wine grape, along with the saying: "Understanding Wine Begins With Knowing Wine Grape Berries". No need to be a wine grower to enjoy any of these wine grape berry attitude gifts! Wine connoisseurs with a scientific bent will especially love these wine grape berry anatomy gifts!

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Give Your Neurons A Rest Take A Nap Neuron Synapse Pillow

tagged with: give your neurons a rest, take a nap, anatomy, neuron, synapse, psyche, nap, napper, medical, words and unwords, medicine, psychology, rest, sleep

No need to be a biologist or psychologist to enjoy wry anatomical humor with this pillow gift featuring all key parts of a neuron / synapse along with the saying "Give Your Neurons A Rest Take A Nap". Sound advice for all who need a nap now and then!

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Wizard Of Wireless (Nikola Tesla Nine Pictures) Buttons

tagged with: enigmatic, enigma, nikola tesla, physics, electromagnetism, alternate current, scientist, inventor, engineer, electrical engineer, physicist, wireless, radio, wizard of wireless, tesla, science, geek, humor, attitude, wordsunwords, wordsandunwords, electricity, nine pictures, alternating current, words and unwords, inventors

Wireless genius Nikola Tesla brought us into the modern world with his discoveries and inventions in the electromagnetic field. Often called "Father of the Radio", scientist, engineer and inventor Nikola Tesla technically was the "Wizard Of Wireless" in his time, envisioning today's modern wireless world well ahead of its implementation. Showcase "Wizard Of Wireless" Tesla with any of the like 9 pictures of Nikola Tesla on any of these gifts that puts a different light on Tesla's contributions!

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Plant Biotechnology In Perspective (Transgenesis) Mug

tagged with: plant biotechnology in perspective, biotechnology, perspective, plant, biology, agriculture, cisgenesis, transgenesis, words and unwords, educational, scientific, biologist, plant molecular biologist, scientist, cultivar, conventional breeding

Agriculturists and molecular biologists will enjoy any of these gifts featuring "Plant Biotechnology In Perspective". Illustrates the creation of a new cultivar via three ways: conventional breeding, transgenesis, and cisgenesis. Mendelian and molecular biology attitude for all who know about plant biotechnology!

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