Monday, December 30, 2013
It Takes A Lot Of Work To Exist (Thermodynamics) Coffee Mugs
No need to be a physics major or physicist to enjoy any of these gifts featuring the Carnot heat engine, along with the wry truism saying "It Takes A Lot Of Work To Exist 24 Hours A Day, 7 Days Per Week, 365 Days Per Year". Specifically, these gifts feature the second law of thermodynamics. Since any thermodynamic engine requires such a temperature difference, it follows that useful work cannot be derived from an isolated system in equilibrium; there must always be an external energy source and a cold sink. Educational physics attitude gifts for all who work in the thermodynamic sense of the word!
Team Mitochondria (Mitochondrion Humor) Keychain
Mitochondrion is a membrane-enclosed organelle found in most eukaryotic cells. Mitochondria generate most of the cell's supply of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Showcase your wry sense of biological humor with any of these educational, scientific gifts featuring a mitochondrion, complete with detailed labels, along with the truism caption "Team Mitochondria". Memorable gifts for all who are powered by "Team Mitochondria" -- and that means you!
Whooo...Are...You? (Alice and the Caterpillar) Refrigerator Magnet
Do you ask others the question "Whooo...Are...You?" If you enjoyed reading Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures In Wonderland and are a fan of the Caterpillar, you'll enjoy any of these gifts featuring the encounter between Alice and the caterpillar. Make others do a double-take with a psychological Wonderland sense of humor today with this classic picture by Alice In Wonderland artist John Tenniel!
Apiarist / Genesis Key Chains
Apiarist t-shirt design with the words - "Let there be apiarists, to rule over the hives and to harvest golden honey. - Genesis 1:36"
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Ancient DNA Inside T Shirts
No matter what your age, showcase DNA replication humor with this "Ancient DNA Inside" gift tee! Timeless age humor for anyone with genes and who knows about ancient haplogroup history along with Mitochondrial Eve! Celebrate the "Ancient DNA Inside" with this modern design today!
Pi in the Sky by Mudge Studios T Shirt
Pi in the Sky shirts for those that celebrate Pi Day every March 14th- more specifically honoring Pi Day at 1:59 PM- that's 3.14159... Pi Day should never end. Featured is Pi in the sky of van Gogh's Starry Night. Great gift ideas for the math teacher, the mathlete, math student and arithmatic lovers of all ages.
Life Is Nothing But A Series Of Chain Reactions Tee Shirts
Do you life to be nothing but a series of chain reactions? Showcase wry biological and scientific humor with any of these gifts featuring the electron transport chain, as found in the mitochondria. Comes with the biological truism saying that many find to be true: "Life Is Nothing But A Series Of Chain Reactions". Make others do a double-take with wry biochemical humor with any of these electron transport chain attitude gifts!
J Robert Oppenheimer Now I Am Become Death Quote Post Card
Infamous quote by J. Robert Oppenheimer in reference to the Trinity test in New Mexico, where the first atomic bomb was detonated. Quote comes from the Bhagavad Gita: "If the radiance of a thousand suns were to burst at once into the sky, that would be like the splendor of the mighty one. Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds." No need to be a theoretical physicist to enjoy this historical quote by the scientific director of the Manhattan Project, the World War II project that developed the first nuclear weapons!
Team Mitochondria (Mitochondrion Humor) Pin
Mitochondrion is a membrane-enclosed organelle found in most eukaryotic cells. Mitochondria generate most of the cell's supply of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Showcase your wry sense of biological humor with any of these educational, scientific gifts featuring a mitochondrion, complete with detailed labels, along with the truism caption "Team Mitochondria". Memorable gifts for all who are powered by "Team Mitochondria" -- and that means you!
Jabberwocky Poem by Lewis Carroll T-shirts
Showcase linguistic talent and memory with any of these gifts featuring Lewis Carroll's infamous "Jabberwocky" poem in Through The Looking Glass, and What Alice Found There. Includes John Tenniel's infamous picture of the Jabberwock. Make others do a double-take when they try to read the poem -- which includes logical gibberish and portmanteau! Timeless gifts that will delight any Wonderland fan!
Phylogenetic Tree Of Life 4+ Billion Yrs Shirt
You are a product of 4+ billion years of evolution and counting! Be proud of it when you wear the phylogenetic tree of life gift tee with wry science humor saying. Let others know that you have come a long, long way through time!
Support Bacteria Often Only Culture Some People Tee Shirts
No need to be a bacteriologist, microbiologist, or biologist to enjoy any of these tongue-in-cheek scientific sayings which include an agar plate with bacterial colonies. Saying says it all: "Support Bacteria - It's Often The Only Culture That Some People Have". Make others do a double-take with any of these double-entendre humor saying gifts on the subject of culture!
Jabberwocky Poem by Lewis Carroll T-shirts
Showcase linguistic talent and memory with any of these gifts featuring Lewis Carroll's infamous "Jabberwocky" poem in Through The Looking Glass, and What Alice Found There. Includes John Tenniel's infamous picture of the Jabberwock. Make others do a double-take when they try to read the poem -- which includes logical gibberish and portmanteau! Timeless gifts that will delight any Wonderland fan!
HONEY BEE WAX SEAL ,BEEKEEPER /beekeeping supplies Business Card Template
Colorful and Elegant design. Backside of an ancient money from Mileto 415-394 a.C. An elegant ,classy and colorful apiarist design easily customizable for your business.
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Remember: It Takes Sense & Anti-Sense To Replicate Shirts
No need to be a molecular biologist to enjoy this DNA replication gift tee that features both leading and lagging strands of life and says the following: "Remember: It Takes Sense & Anti-Sense To Replicate Life". Perfect wry intelligent scientific humor t-shirt for anyone who is a parent, who has DNA, or who knows about the sense and anti-sense strands of DNA!
Support Bacteria Often Only Culture Some People Pins
No need to be a bacteriologist, microbiologist, or biologist to enjoy any of these tongue-in-cheek scientific sayings which include an agar plate with bacterial colonies. Saying says it all: "Support Bacteria - It's Often The Only Culture That Some People Have". Make others do a double-take with any of these double-entendre humor saying gifts on the subject of culture!
Jabberwocky Poem by Lewis Carroll Keychains
Showcase linguistic talent and memory with any of these gifts featuring Lewis Carroll's infamous "Jabberwocky" poem in Through The Looking Glass, and What Alice Found There. Includes John Tenniel's infamous picture of the Jabberwock. Make others do a double-take when they try to read the poem -- which includes logical gibberish and portmanteau! Timeless gifts that will delight any Wonderland fan!
Friday, December 27, 2013
Jabberwocky Poem by Lewis Carroll Mugs
Showcase linguistic talent and memory with any of these gifts featuring Lewis Carroll's infamous "Jabberwocky" poem in Through The Looking Glass, and What Alice Found There. Includes John Tenniel's infamous picture of the Jabberwock. Make others do a double-take when they try to read the poem -- which includes logical gibberish and portmanteau! Timeless gifts that will delight any Wonderland fan!
All The Way With DNA Means Intertwining Sense Shirts
Showcase your wry molecular biology side with this gift tee that will make others do a double-take! Featuring DNA replication, with all important parts labeled, this t-shirt says "All The Way With DNA - Means Intertwining The Sense & Anti-Sense Threads Of Life". Perfect gift for those who understand have been through intertwining the sense & anti-sense threads of life! Showcase deoxyribonucleic acid biology humor today!
Just Passing Through Space & Time (Light Cone) T Shirt
The space-time continuum adventure comes alive on any of these gifts featuring a light cone as well as the truism saying "Just Passing Through Space & Time". Make others do a double-take at your knowledge of physics with a dose of wry geek humor. Memorable gifts for anyone who thinks about the past, present, and the future!
Happiness In Life Depends Upon Balanced Gradient Mug
Are you a happy and balanced person in life? Make others do a double-take on the concept of happiness in life and having a balanced gradient with any of these cell membrane gifts featuring active transport and the sodium-potassium pump. Memorable science humor gifts for all who are happy and balanced!
Do Me A Favor Think (Brain Anatomy Humor) Tees
Showcase your wry anatomical side with any of these gifts featuring the various parts of the brain along with the saying that one often says to another person who is flippant in nature. Saying says it all: "Do Me A Favor Think". No need to be a neuroscientist or work in the medical profession to enjoy any of these scientific, educational geek advice humor gifts!
Jabberwocky Poem by Lewis Carroll (Black Adder) Keychain
Logician, philosopher, and author, Lewis Carroll authored Through The Looking Glass, and What Alice Found There as a sequel to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Classic made-up portmanteau poem, Jabberwocky, is included here, titled in Black Adder font, on all of these gifts, along with John Tenniel's illustration. Make others do a double-take with all of the made-up words from Lewis Carroll's Jabberwocky! Inspirational timeless poem for all ages! No need to read only by holding it up to a mirror?
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Three Types Of My, Myself & I (DNA Helix Types) Tee Shirt
Showcase your deep genetic innards and their variations with this "Three Types of Me, Myself & II" DNA types t-shirt. Featuring A-DNA, B-DNA,. and Z-DNA. Educational, molecular biology fun for anyone with DNA. Make others do a double-take on the patterns within with this deoxyribonucleic acid gift tee!
Pi Number Drawing Tee Shirt
Pi symbol sketch. Good choice for anybody with interest in mathematics, sciences, engineering, history, etc. Fascinating smart people for a long time.
Happiness In Life Depends Upon Balanced Gradient Mug
Are you a happy and balanced person in life? Make others do a double-take on the concept of happiness in life and having a balanced gradient with any of these cell membrane gifts featuring active transport and the sodium-potassium pump. Memorable science humor gifts for all who are happy and balanced!
Travel Through The Looking Glass (Wonderland) Invitation
Have you ever traveled through the looking glass (mirror)? No need to be a huge fan of Lewis Carroll's Alice to enjoy any of these gifts featuring Alice going through the mirror, as illustrated by John Tenniel in Through The Looking Glass, and What Alice Found there. Make others do a double-take with any of these timeless existential gifts with the truism saying "Travel Through The Looking Glass"! Wonderland humor gifts for all those who look into a mirror from time to time!
All That Glitters Is Highly Refractive (Physics) Tee Shirts
No need be a physicist to enjoy refractive attitude with any of these gifts featuring Snell's law along with the truism saying "All That Glitters Is Highly Refractive". Make others do a double-take with a dose of educational physics humor with these refraction saying illustration gifts!
All Pumped Up Inside (Sodium-Potassium Pump) Mugs
Cell biology attitude comes alive with any of these gifts featuring the sodium-potassium pump involved in active transport along with the scientific truism caption "All Pumped Up Inside". Educational, scientific humor for anyone who feels pumped up inside!
Happiness In Life Depends Upon Balanced Gradient T-shirt
Are you a happy and balanced person in life? Make others do a double-take on the concept of happiness in life and having a balanced gradient with any of these cell membrane gifts featuring active transport and the sodium-potassium pump. Memorable science humor gifts for all who are happy and balanced!
Better Living Through Chemistry Poster
All of your favorite emotions and biological behaviors on one beautiful poster, represented in periodical table format. Now you can have a constant reminder that all of those deep feelings and expression you have, are nothing more than chemical reactions in your brain! Perfect for the bedroom, office or laboratory of your favorite chemistry nerd. Or for when you just need to tell that special loved one, "my affection for you is only the result of oxytocin production."
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Biology Is In My Genes (DNA Replication) T-shirts
Showcase your biological sense of humor with this molecular biology design featuring DNA replication with the saying "Biology Is In My Genes". Educational science attitude gifts for any biologist or for anyone with genes!
Warning! Reactor Inside (Nuclear Power Reactor) Tie
Is there a nuclear reactor inside of you? No need to be a nuclear physicist -- although it helps -- to enjoy any of these wry technology diagram gifts featuring the inputs and outputs of a nuclear power reactor along with the saying "Warning! Reactor Inside". Sound advice gifts for anyone who just keeps humming along! Memorable tongue-in-cheek gifts for anyone who works in nuclear power industry!
Biotechnology Is In My Genes (DNA Replication) Bag
No need to work in the field of biotechnology to enjoy scientific humor with any of these gifts featuring DNA replication, complete with all key parts labeled, and the saying "Biotechnology Is In My Genes". Make everyone do a double-take with this biological truism today!
My Life Depends Upon Active Transport (Humor) Buttons
Are you a balanced person in life? Showcase your wry biological sense of humor with any of these gifts featuring the sodium-potassium pump along with the biological saying "My Life Depends Upon Active Transport". Make others do a double-take on exactly what you mean! No need to work in the medical field to enjoy cell membrane attitude today!
Telomeres Responsible For Aging At Cellular Level Shirts
Biology attitude comes alive on this telomere design featuring the chromosome, as well as labels of both telomeres and centromere. Caption says: "Responsible For Aging At The Cellular Level". Showcase your scientific side with any of the telomere definition gifts today! Perfect gifts for molecular biologists of any age!
Biotechnology Is In My Genes (DNA Replication) T Shirt
No need to work in the field of biotechnology to enjoy scientific humor with any of these gifts featuring DNA replication, complete with all key parts labeled, and the saying "Biotechnology Is In My Genes". Make everyone do a double-take with this biological truism today!
Just Passing Through Space & Time (Light Cone) Business Card Template
Physicists will enjoy introducing themselves at any meet and greet with this business card featuring a light cone along with the saying "Just Passing Through Space & Time". Fans of astrophysics and quantum physics and science fiction will enjoy any of these geek attitude business cards!
Near Vision Test Card (Visual Acuity Exam)
Showcase wry medical and visual acuity attitude with any of these gifts featuring a "Near Vision Test Card", complete with instructions on holding the object 16 inches away from your eyes. Make others do a double-take at their vision with any of these eye exam gifts today!
Meet Me In Wonderland (Mad Hatter Running) Custom Announcements
If you rush throughout life and have an important date, you'll enjoy any of these invitations featuring John Tenniel's infamous picture of the Mad Hatter running as found in Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures In Wonderland. Caption says it all: "Meet Me In Wonderland". Wonderland adventure fun for all those who are in a rush in today's hectic world!
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Photosynthesis The Original Green Energy Source T-shirt
No need to specialize in green energy to realize that, from a scientific perspective, photosynthesis is technically the greenest of all green energy sources. Showcase wry biological humor with any of these gifts featuring the light-dependent reaction of photosynthesis in a chloroplast along with the truism saying "Photosynthesis The Original Green Energy Source". Make others do a double-take about the concept of green energy today!
The Electromagnetic Spectrum (Physics) T Shirt
Showcase your knowledge of "The Electromagnetic Spectrum" with any of these physics wavelength gifts. Educational, scientific gifts for all who are interested in electromagnetism!
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